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  • 1.  Onboard License

    Posted Mar 02, 2019 12:59 AM

    Hello Airheads!


    can you exxplain how clearpass onboard license will be consumed?

    I mean, on what basis a license will be deleted from pool?




  • 2.  RE: Onboard License
    Best Answer

    Posted Mar 02, 2019 02:10 AM
    As long as the cert is valid it consumes a lic. If the cert expires/revoked then it is removed from the pool. It is now user based so if a user has 3 certs they consume 1 lic. If that user deletes one cert then they will still consume 1 lic for the other 2 certs . I don't remember if it is immediately or during the nightly cron job when the pool will be refreshed.