Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Outdoor Access Points (i.e. 374, 375, 377) as Instant?

    Posted Jan 22, 2020 11:08 AM

    There do not seem to be seperate SKU/Parts for the outdoor access point models for Instant vs. Controller/Campus based.  But their spec sheets and the website say they can be run as Instants as well as controller-based.


    Do you just buy the AP version of the outdoor units and flash them with the Instant firmware?   I know that the normal indoor APs are typically locked to prevent that sort of conversion, so I am a little confused on how it works with the outdoor family.


    Any advice?  Thank you!


  • 2.  RE: Outdoor Access Points (i.e. 374, 375, 377) as Instant?
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 22, 2020 11:22 AM

    Hi luckyyvt,


    These APs as well as other such as the 360 outdoor or 500 indoor series, to name a few are sold as Unified APs or UAPs (single SKU), and the can work as CAPs and IAPs. In the future there will only be UAPs. I also were surprised with the same the first time I configured a 365 outdoor AP. Here you have some documentation:






  • 3.  RE: Outdoor Access Points (i.e. 374, 375, 377) as Instant?

    Posted Jan 22, 2020 11:25 AM

    The AP37x are Unified APs, so the AP will do both modes. There is no longer Instant or Campus versions.

