Network Management

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  • 1.  PB affichage des Ap sur la toplogie

    Posted Jul 15, 2016 03:30 AM


    Je surveille 38 bornes HP525 avec 2 contrôleurs 850 et IMH 7.1.

    Sur la topologie Wlan, les bornes apparaissent en rouge. En effet, même si les alarmes sont acquittées (coupures -redémarrages) les bornes restent en alarme. Avez vous un solution pour mettre à jour les icônes sur la cartographie ?




  • 2.  RE: PB affichage des Ap sur la toplogie

    Posted Jul 15, 2016 06:17 PM

    If google has correctly translated your question, you want to know why a wireles device does not become green in WLAN topology when an alarm is cleared. There are different toplogy views that can display wireles devices. 

    To show this I have attached some PNGs showing an AP shutdown and restarted. 

    The MSM560 AP is one of the APs managed by a MSM765 Wireless LAN controller. I also have added it as a discovered IP device.

    I turn off Power to the device by disable PoE on the switch port. You can see how the Custom Toplogy view and WIreless topolgy view show this event. I then restore PoE. 

    The custom topology uses Ping to check state, and responds quickly, going green to red and then red to green.

    The wireless topolgies look different, and use the data from SNMP to determine state. This must synchronize and refresh so it is slower to react.

    Some alarms change state automatically and some require recovery. If your recovered alarms do not clear perhaps something with SNMP configuration?

    A screenshot of yours would help. Hopefully English to French translation is OK. Sorry if I misunderstand your problem.

  • 3.  RE: PB affichage des Ap sur la toplogie

    Posted Jul 22, 2016 04:09 AM
      |   view attached


    Thank you for your answer and excuse me for my English. In my case all AP are connected with POE. We turn off a switch, 2 weeks ago and only one  became green (cf jpeg). All alarms are acknowledged. All AP are in DHCP, is this the problem ?


    best regards





  • 4.  RE: PB affichage des Ap sur la toplogie

    Posted Jul 25, 2016 03:15 PM

    Yes I use PoE and DHCP. Could be DHCP if you had the address changed when it rebooted.

    Try check IP - in toplogie right click and select device info. That will go to the device page in the FIT AP list for the controller.

    From there you can see the IP that imc thinks the AP has and try to ping. If no response then AP has different IP.

    But the controller should learn the ip from the APs - at least MSM does. Not sure about 850.

    Goto service > WLAN manager > Resource Management > ACs and check the AC synchronized with imc - if not since your switch reboot then synchronize again.

    see screen shots

    For my APs after boot with DHCP I set a reservation for each MAC address so they would get the same IP