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  • 1.  Phone number format

    Posted Mar 21, 2013 08:32 AM



    I need your help to do this :


    In ClearPass Guest "Self-Registration", I need to send a SMS to the user to get his password.


    So what I would like to do is to have 2 fields (one where I can choose the prefix number and one with the phone number). Then I would like a hidden filed that concatenate the two fields in one as a phone number and that deleted the first number of the phone number.




    Prefix : +41 or +33 or +31 or +...

    Number : 0672336789


    Phone number : +41672336789


    Any idea ?





  • 2.  RE: Phone number format

    Posted Mar 21, 2013 01:35 PM

    I don't think this is possible today.  Phone number is treated as a single field.

  • 3.  RE: Phone number format

    Posted Mar 22, 2013 03:09 AM

    That's why I would like to merge 2 fields into 1. Is it possible ? Perhaps with some Javascript ?

