I've got an AMP server monitoring ~2200 AP across 21 controllers seeing roughly 25k users per day.
We maxed out the specs on the Dell server, basically more than doubling Aruba's recommendation
24 x146Gb drives in RAID-10 giving us 1.5Tb of diskspace.
I had my historical data retention (HDR) set to keep the following values
- Client Data Retention Interval
- Client Association and VPN Session History
for 180 days and within I believe 1 month of launch, disk usage was at 98%.
Each RRD file was roughly 256kb, performance was terrible, I then tweaked HDR, specifically those 2 values to 14.
I haven't had a problem since and i've been able to recuperate 50% of my diskspace.
You're probably asking yourself, well I can't search back 2 months for data for a particular client.
No I cannot, but I run reports every 2 weeks and keep those offline for me to return to.
You're only other option is to purchase an expensive SAN and attach it to the head server if you want to keep data longer than that.
my $0.02