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We're using Visual RF to plan for a replacement of APs throughout our school district this year. We will be moving from IAP 105s to IAP 305s. In trying to add the correct APs to a planning floorplan, I can see almost every model of AP in the selection list except for the 305. Does anyone know if this model will be added to the options in the near future?
Hi Jon,
May I know the VisualRF planner version which you are using to plan?
Hi, Pavan - not sure how to determine the version of Visual RF. The version of AMP that we're on is 8.2.2 - don't know if that helps. Can you tell me how I can identify the Visual RF version?
We have offline VisualRF planner tool aswell which we could install on windows machine and do planning.Support for AP 305 is added from AMP 8.2.3 version. I would recommand to upgrade the server.
If my post addresses your query give kudos:)
We are not able to see Aruba 535 Access Points . Can you help us ,
Let us know how proceed on heat map preparation.
What version of AirWave is the server on? AP 535 is present in latest AMP version
We encourage customers to use Airwave VisualRF for planning instead of tool, current planner tools does not have support for this model and not sure if we are going to add it in future.
Use Airwave VisualRF for planning.