Detail: which software version (e.g. R1518 or R1518P01) is currently running your JE007?
What is the output for display poe device command?
If you power cycle the JE007 (by disconnecting the AC Power Supply cable - leaving it disconnected for just a minute - and then reconnect it) does the output of the display poe pse command you issued change or not?
Yeah, it seems that the PoE PSE Firmware was faulty/damaged...indeed a normal display poe pse output would be similar to:
<HP_JE007> display poe pse
PSE ID : 4
PSE Slot No : 1
PSE SubSlot No : 0
PSE Model : LSW124POED
PSE Power Enabled : enabled
PSE Power Priority : -
PSE Current Power : 0 W
PSE Average Power : 0 W
PSE Peak Power : 0 W
PSE Max Power : 170 W
PSE Remaining Guaranteed : 170 W
PSE CPLD Version : -
PSE Software Version : 380
PSE Hardware Version : 57601
PSE Legacy Detection : disabled
PSE Utilization-threshold : 80
PSE PD Disconnect Detect Mode : AC