Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  Point to Point Bridge on IAP 277

    Posted Oct 26, 2015 02:13 AM

    We are trying to implement a point-to-point bridge between two IAP 277 such as below. 2015-10-26_134943.jpg

    We have trunked Vlan 9 at the switch and the IAP and set the native Vlan to Vlan 4 for management. The customer would like to manage the IAPs and the Switches at both site using the native vlan 4. 




    Users on Vlan 4 at site A are able to ping Site A switch , Site A IAP 277 as well as Site B IAP 277. However the ping drops when we try to ping from USER A (Vlan 4) to the switch at Site B (also Vlan 4). As the ping is unable to reach the switch, the connection between user A (Vlan 4) and user B (Vlan 4) is also down. Note that connection between devices on VLAN 9 is fine and user A (Vlan 9) is able to ping user B (vlan 9).



    User B (vlan 4) is able to ping the gateway for vlan 4 on the switch at Site B. However, User B (Vlan 4) is unable to ping Site B IAP 277. Due to this, Users at site B are unable to reach the users at Site A on Vlan 4. Note that connection between devices on VLAN 9 is fine and user B (Vlan 9) is able to ping user A (vlan 9).


    Its seems that there is something wrong with the Native Vlan as I am unable to ping the switch behind the mesh Point AP. Is this something in the settings that I am overlooking? 



    If anyone has ran into this...any assistance would be appreciated.




  • 2.  RE: Point to Point Bridge on IAP 277

    Posted Oct 26, 2015 08:43 AM

    You might open a TAC case and send the two config files from each IAP to validate. That will likely be your fastest resolution. On the face of it, to me it reads like there is an issue with something on the SiteB switch, since at least VLAN 4 works from Site A workstation to Site A 277 to Site B 277, but NOT the other way around.


    If you want to post your switch models, switch configs, and IAP configs, feel free.

  • 3.  RE: Point to Point Bridge on IAP 277

    Posted Oct 27, 2015 09:48 PM



    Thanks for the reply. Attached are the configs for both switches and the Master IAP. Please let me know if there is any settings that i have missed. The config at the switch is pretty straigthforward with Vlan 4 and 9 created at both switches. 




    master277.txt   3 KB 1 version
    Point Switch (Site B).txt   1 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Point to Point Bridge on IAP 277

    Posted Oct 28, 2015 12:02 AM

    I would still open a TAC case nonetheless. I will try to look at this in detail later this week. I would also characterize which clients can reach which IP addresses from their respective sides to help narrow down where the breaks occur, the switch models and firmware versions, same with the IAPs, etc as part of the case. They can work with you to narrow down options.

  • 5.  RE: Point to Point Bridge on IAP 277

    Posted Oct 05, 2016 11:38 PM

    This ever got resolved?