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Poll: Online Course Materials

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  • 1.  Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Dec 08, 2011 05:12 PM



    Aruba is considering movin to an on-line method of delivering our training materials.  We have started a poll on the topic.  Please take a moment to respond to the poll and offer any comments here.


    The poll can be found at the bottom right of the main Training Courses board page:


    In an effort to decrease our impact on the environment, Aruba is considering moving to an on-line delivery format for our course training materials.  This means that instead of automatically receiving a printed book of all the materials, you would access the materials on-line.  You would still be able to order a printed copy of the materials before or after your course.  We are also planning to allow you to print the labs on your own printer. 



  • 2.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Dec 09, 2011 05:30 PM

    My opinion is for most training, on-line is better.  Except for the classes where you have to put hands on and screw this in or upload that.  You don't have the expense and time away from work.  I have been doing it for several years.  It works.

  • 3.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Dec 09, 2011 06:55 PM

    Hi Ray-


    We feel the same way about distance learning benefits. But the poll is asking about preferences regarding the course materials.  Is viewing course material via online resources sufficient, or is traditional printed course material still preferred.  Read the description on the poll page and let us know what you think.





  • 4.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Dec 15, 2011 09:22 AM



    To answer the question first, I believe that on line resources would be sufficient.


    Now to sidetrack a little, it would be tremendous if distance study oportunities (or the possibity to use self study manuals, as Microsoft's or Cisco's Self Study track) were available.

    To me this would be the best.


    Some of us do not have the time to attend courses, or some others may live a long distance from Aruba training facilities, and to be able to study self or attend some distance learning course at one's own pace would enable a great many more people to attain proficiency in Aruba networking.


    Best regards




  • 5.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Jan 06, 2012 10:23 AM

    I'd like to add to this discussion in regards to self-pace study courses. I currently am "On the beach" so to speak and with limited resources find that the cost of training to be a little costly. So there are some of us professional network engineers like to "catch up" on (Tech) during our breaks in contracts. I am very impressed with the Aruba Networks but it hard to get more that just a overview of your concepts. It's a shame that you don't have any self-study courses that are affordable.



  • 6.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Dec 16, 2011 08:45 AM

    Printed or at least a format that can easely be printed.

    Key is that I can easely access the materials offline and that the provided materials are searchable. Printed often achieves this with an index while alot of online coursematerials are displayed in seperate html pages where searching them all is nearly impossible.

  • 7.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Mar 26, 2012 07:58 PM

    Online training would be great, but how would the content of the material be presented.  I have a colleague that has attended a few classes offered by Aruba, but I am not impressed with the books (study guides).


    Also, is their AirWave training available?  There are a lot of knobs and buttons that I just don't understand.

  • 8.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Apr 24, 2012 10:49 AM

    Some of the more basic classes I feel online is ok.  For more advanced classes (ATS) or even the MBC (which I attended in person) I feel that in person is way better as you get to actually see and touch and play with the gear.   Part of that element is lost when doing it online for me.  I have taken the Airwave and Amigopod classes both online only.



  • 9.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Apr 26, 2012 02:08 AM

    Thanks for everyone's responses.  At this time we've decided that the technology is just a little too new for widespread adoption.  At some point in the future everyone will have a tablet of some kind that they could use to view the slides and labs and use their laptop to configure the gear.  We're not quite there yet.  


    We will continue to use online manuals for students who register very late and in other special cases but our default will be to stick with physical books.

  • 10.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Apr 26, 2012 08:05 AM

    When will Aruba come out with course material such as Microsoft Press books.  Paying the class fee's in not always an option with employers, so we need another way of learning your products.

  • 11.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Apr 26, 2012 05:02 PM

    There are plans for starting "Aruba Press" but it's a resourcing issue at this point.  We're also working towards more free elearning content that you could view and then do labs on your own.  Look for this towards the end of the year.

  • 12.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted May 28, 2012 04:49 AM

    Hi Gentelemen 

     - Kindly where can i get this materials ???

  • 13.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted May 29, 2012 04:38 PM

    Hi Ahmad,


    Not sure what materials you are asking for.  The online materials are for students who are attending an Aruba Networks training course.  Although we have moved back to printed manuals we still use the online ones for late registrants.


    The Aruba Press books are planned but have not been resourced or committed at this point.

  • 14.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted May 31, 2012 04:28 AM

    Hello Poll


     thanks for answer , I toke the ACMP training from 1 year ago it was on OS 5 i think and pass the exam it was on 3.3 , so what i need the new materials at least for this course .

  • 15.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted May 31, 2012 03:52 PM

    The official preperation would be to attend the 6.1 version of the IAW and SWDI, or MBC (Mobility Bootcamp course).  Otherwise, you cam download the ACMP Study guide from here: and self-study.

  • 16.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Jun 28, 2012 02:59 PM
    Self study does not provide much of the resource, what would be the best way (and where) to gather study materials?

  • 17.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Jun 30, 2012 01:29 PM

    The official preperation would be to attend the 6.1 version of the IAW and SWDI, or MBC (Mobility Bootcamp course).  Information and course list is here:

  • 18.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Jul 25, 2012 02:57 PM

    Aruba press would be awsome adding...

    I hope its done soon :)

  • 19.  RE: Poll: Online Course Materials

    Posted Sep 04, 2012 07:33 AM


    I am new to the Aruba Wireless Network but I am interested to learn Aruba. From my earlier experience I have basic knowledge about Aruba since my major implementations were on Cisco Wireless Only. As a part of certifications, I have done CCNP in Wireless which includes 4 exams.

    Now, I want to do something in Aruba too therefore I need someone's Guidance on how to walk on this path and where to start from.

    Any suggestions on the below will be highly appreciated.

    1. Certifications Level - Basic/Medium/High like in cisco - CCNA->CCNP->CCIE

    2. Books/Study material available online or can be purchased.

    3. Cost of Exams.



    Harish Chopra