That's a nice question. I did some testing, and was able to make this work with some jQuery code in the Footer HTML:
{nwa_script src=jquery.min}
{literal}<script>$('input[name="visitor_phone"]').attr('inputmode', 'numeric');</script>{/literal}
I found here that you can instruct a (mobile) browser to use the numeric input pad by adding "inputmode=numeric" to the <input> field in the HTML code. What the code in the footer does is, first line includes jquery, second line runs a javascript/jQuery that searched the input tags in the HTML code for the one that has the name "visitor_phone", and inside of that adds an attribute inputmode with the value numeric.
I use the developer tools (inspector and point to the field you want to see) in my browser to find the name in the HTML, and verify that the attribute has been added after adding the jQuery code:

Of course, you would need to change the name visitor_phone to the fieldname of 'CPF'. Can't give any guarantees, but this seems to work for me (tested with Android):

Herman Robers
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In case your problem is solved, please invest the time to post a follow-up with the information on how you solved it. Others can benefit from that.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 22, 2024 02:50 PM
From: Jose Marcio
Subject: Portal Guest Clearpass
Hello, good afternoon.
I have a ClearPas Guest portal and I would like the field that we have as text and we type only numbers to be open the numeric keypad for the Smartphones and not the keypad with number and letters.
Where this arrow indicates that when typing only the numeric keypad appears, as it would be easier to interact with the user
Can anyone help me ?