a new release is available : PowerArubaCP 0.7.0
with the following changelog
What's Changed
New Contributors
Tested on ClearPass 6.10.8, 6.11.7, 6.12.0 :
- Windows 10 with PowerShell 7.4.1
- Windows 10 with PowerShell 5
- macOS with PowerShell 7.4.1
- Ubuntu 22.04 with PowerShell 7.4.1
PowerArubaSW : Powershell Module to use Aruba Switch API for Vlan, VlanPorts, LACP, LLDP...
PowerArubaCP: Powershell Module to use ClearPass API (create NAD, Guest...)
PowerArubaCL: Powershell Module to use Aruba Central
PowerArubaCX: Powershell Module to use ArubaCX API (get interface/vlan/ports info)..
ACEP / ACMX #107 / ACDX #1281
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 03, 2019 08:43 AM
From: alagoutte
Subject: PowerArubaCP : a powershell module for use ClearPass REST API
I have been working for several months on a Powershell module that uses the ClearPass REST API.
This module is available on psgallery(.com) : https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PowerArubaCP/
Actually, we support to connect to HTTPS using Token API
and configure the following feature :
- NetworkDevice (NAS) : Add / Get / Set /Remove
- ...
it is very easy to use (and install)
Launch powershell command line and laucnh following command for install
Install-Module PowerArubaCP
for load the module
Import-Module PowerArubaCP
Connect to your ClearPass
Connect-ArubaCP -token aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
for example to get all Network Device (Nas)
You can get the list of command available via
Get-Command -Module PowerArubaCP
and for get help (and example about a command for example Add-ArubaCPNetworkDevice)
Get-Help Add-ArubaCPNetworkDevice -Full
More documentation, example is available on https://github.com/PowerAruba/PowerArubaCP and you can also report issue/enhance !