I generated a CSR for a HTTPS certificate for when customers browse to CPPM for Guest registration. as part of this i obtained an encrypted private key file and set a password to use (assume to decrypt private key file). i received signed certificate from CA and installed, providing the encrypted private key file and password. Certifictae installed fine.
What i want to do though some testing around SSL inspection so want to access the CPPM Guest registration externally via a firewall and have the firewall SSL Inspect the inbound connection to CPPM. for this to work it needs to decrpyt the session so to do this i need the signed CA cert and the private key to install on the firewall, it can then decrpyt (private key), inspect and re-encrpt (public key in CA cert) and pass on to CPPM. So i need the private key from the public/private key pair generated as part of generating the CSR.