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  • 1.  Problem importing SSL certificate

    Posted Sep 20, 2012 03:21 AM

    Hi, I have used the Amigopod web gui to produce a CSR, and have received the .pfx file from my CA. However the web gui keeps giving me 'invalid format' error when I'm trying to import the file. Please can someone help?






  • 2.  RE: Problem importing SSL certificate

    Posted Sep 20, 2012 07:42 AM

    Your certificate needs to be in .pem format.  See if your CA and give it to you with a .pem extension.


  • 3.  RE: Problem importing SSL certificate

    Posted Sep 20, 2012 08:29 AM

    ok, many thanks for your help

  • 4.  RE: Problem importing SSL certificate

    Posted Sep 20, 2012 04:57 PM

    Depending on the Instant OS version you have. The latest Instant OS version do support pfx format. However, you need to make sure that the private key is exported and saved together with the public key in the pfx file.

