What about the LMS / BACKLMS setting in the ap-system-profile? is there any configuration there that u did? did u checked it also?
I just added LMS IP in that.. below is output for your reference
(ICI) #show ap system-profile MyAPSysProfile
AP system profile "MyAPSysProfile"
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Backup LMS IP N/A
LMS Preemption Disabled
LMS Hold-down Period 600 sec
Number of IPSEC retries 360
LED operating mode (AP-9x/AP-10x/AP-12x/RAP-5x only) normal
RF Band g
Double Encrypt Disabled
Native VLAN ID 1
Bootstrap threshold 8
Request Retry Interval 10 sec
Maximum Request Retries 10
Keepalive Interval 60 sec
Dump Server N/A
Telnet Disabled
SNMP sysContact N/A
AeroScout RTLS Server N/A
RTLS Server configuration N/A
Remote-AP DHCP Server VLAN N/A
Remote-AP DHCP Server Id
Remote-AP DHCP Default Router
Remote-AP DHCP DNS Server N/A
Remote-AP DHCP Pool Start
Remote-AP DHCP Pool End
Remote-AP DHCP Pool Netmask
Remote-AP DHCP Lease Time 0 days
Remote-AP Backup Ports Enabled
Remote-AP uplink total bandwidth 0 kbps
Remote-AP bw reservation 1 N/A
Remote-AP bw reservation 2 N/A
Remote-AP bw reservation 3 N/A
Heartbeat DSCP 0
Session ACL allowall
Corporate DNS Domain N/A
Maintenance Mode Disabled
WISPr Location-ID ISO Country Code N/A
WISPr Location-ID E.164 Country Code N/A
WISPr Location-ID E.164 Area Code N/A
WISPr Location-ID SSID/Zone N/A
WISPr Operator Name N/A
WISPr Location Name N/A
Remote-AP Local Network Access Disabled