Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Problems with RAP deployment

    Posted May 22, 2015 06:07 AM

    Hi community,


    I´ve problems to deploy my rap3. we ´ve a 7030 controller with code6.4 running.

    APs works fine.

    The RAP woks fine when I put it into a local ethernet port in our companys lan.


    but when I put my 3g Sitck in it the rap comes up and i can see it for short time on my controller it says:

    Flag Rc2D and I cannot see it into the controller gui. The 3g stick works fine, I can ping from the rap and I can ping the external ip of the controller...

    What is the problem?

  • 2.  RE: Problems with RAP deployment
    Best Answer

    Posted May 22, 2015 06:14 AM

    You should first see if it will work on a wired port on the public internet.  That will rule out an issue with your 3G stick.


    #! resolution to this issue:  If the ap-group that the AP is in has a system profile that has an lms-ip in it, remove the LMS-ip.

  • 3.  RE: Problems with RAP deployment

    Posted May 22, 2015 06:27 AM

    Thanks, what a fast anwer.... :-)


    shame on me, it was the lms promlem