Right now I have 3 7210 locals and an older 6000 configured as master. I need to depreciate the older 6000 controller and make one of my 7210s into a master. I am not using centralized licensing right now (turned it off for this), every controller has plenty of licensing.
These are all on different subnets and physical locations, so I am not planning on keeping the old master IP in the mix, I'll update my DNS and DHCP rules for the APs to point to the new master.
What I'd like to do is simply change one of the 7210s to a master, then go into the other two and update the IP pointing to the old master over to the new.
I understand I'll need to reboot the controllers, this is no big deal I can do it off hours. Will I run into any unforseen problems by changing the local into a master? Any security settings, configs or anything going to break? I just don't want to have to run into a situation where I'm having to factory reset 300 APs on a weekend :).
Thanks for any input!