Hello everyone,
I have a HP 110 ADSL-A Wireless-N Router (JE459A) known even as 3CRWDR300A-73 and have a major issue on the QoS.
I have a small lan with few PC and I can manage to configure the Policy based QoS using the Group Policy as explained here:
My issue is how to configure the router to use those DSCP.
I've tried to enable the QoS and not write any rule (red text saying all traffic will be managed as BE) and looking at the traffic statistics of the router I see only BE traffic.
I tried to configure some basic rules (VoIP, WWW, Email) traffic and WWW and Email appear to work (in the traffic statistics I see the packets in the differetn priorities) while VoIP is not used.
The issue is that I have multiple VoIP application (Lync, Skype, Messenger) and I want to prioritize all of them; this is easy to do on the PC with the Policy Editor but is not possible on the router.
How can I achieve my objective?