Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  radius authentication iap managed by airwave

    Posted Dec 07, 2015 03:22 AM

    I have  several iap 205 APs which are managed by Airwave server. i want to configure radius authentication on one WLAN. and i have to add trusted IP address from radius server side. 

    Which IP address i have to add at Radius server? (airwave's, iaps virtual controllers  or active iaps ip address)



  • 2.  RE: radius authentication iap managed by airwave
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 07, 2015 04:51 AM

    If you enable "Dynamic Radius Proxy" it will enable all of the radius traffic to come from the Virtual Controller ip address: radius proxy


    You have to first enable a Virtual Controller ip address, however: ip


    When you do both of those things, radius traffic from any access point will come from the Virtual IP.  You can configure that Virtual IP as the radius client on your radius server..


  • 3.  RE: radius authentication iap managed by airwave

    Posted Dec 07, 2015 05:40 AM

    i will have many branches where IAP access points will be installed.  So i have to add every branchs virtual ip to my radius server. am i right?  

    Is it possible to add only airwave-s Ip address to radius server ?  and authentication to be performed through airwave server.



  • 4.  RE: radius authentication iap managed by airwave
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 07, 2015 05:42 AM

    Yes, you will have to add the Virtual-IP of each branch.  No authentication takes place through the Airwave server:  The Airwave server is for monitoring and configuration, but it is not in the authentication path, no.