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RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

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  • 1.  RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 14, 2013 06:06 PM

    Has anyone been able to successfully get a Verizon Pantech UML 290 4G cellular modem to work with a RAP-3WN-US in IAP mode?


    According to the user guide the UML 290 is the only supported 'Tru Auto Detect" model which means it is plug and play. However, I have not found that to be the case. 


    The RAP-3WN is currently running the latest Instant code which is 


    The UML 290 modem is at firmware version is L0290VWBB12F.248 which should be current based on the VZ Access Manager utility which was updated recently and had the new firmware. 


    I checked the KB on the support site and found nothing regarding this and TAC is looking into it. I was hoping someone here had gotten it to work. 



  • 2.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 14, 2013 06:19 PM

    The latest  version of IAP SW is


    The UMP 290 works fine on my RAP-3.  It does auto-detect it; however, I found that it took a few minutes to detect the first time.  The RAP-3 then needs to be rebooted to load the driver.


    You can manually configure the UML290 to run in 3G only mode or 4G only; however, it should not be required.


    Does your UML290 work correctly when connected to a PC using VZ Access Manager?  Do you have a good signal where you are attempting to bring the modem up?

  • 3.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 15, 2013 12:41 PM

    THe UML 290 modem works on the PC with VZ access manager just fine. I have the current version of VZ access manager and it updated the firmware on teh modem to current version in the post above. 


    I have 4-5 bars of 4G LTE here in my office so signal is not an issue. 


    I will try manually updating to latest IAP release and see if that resolves the issue. 


    TAC suggested adding to the uplink configuration a USB type as pantech-3g and 4G USB type as pantech-lte. I tried that but no go. 

  • 4.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 15, 2013 01:17 PM

    Did you insert the UML290 and give it a few minutes?

    After giving it a few minutes did you reboot the RAP-3 to load the UML290 drivers?

  • 5.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 15, 2013 02:21 PM



    I updated the RAP-3 with the 6.2 code I downloaded from the support site. 


    After the code upgrade I removed the Ethernet connection and the RAP-3 rebooted. I gave it about 5 minutes and saw the modem trying to initialize and the power and WLAN lights finally came on. However, the WLAN light was amber. I rebooted the RAP-3 again and this time the power and WLAN came up green after 5+ minutes. 


    The SSID was now broadcasting and I was able to connect to the RAP-3. However, the modem status in the support tab was now showing that the modem was detected but the link was down. 


    I have rebooted several times and the link is still not coming up. I have tried with the settings that TAC suggested and without. 


    Any ideas?

  • 6.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 15, 2013 02:25 PM

    Despite what the Modem status shows under the support tab were you able to connect to the Internet?  Also, what does the LED on the UML290 look like?  It should be Red until it has connectivity then turn flashing Blue.


    You might try the "Enforce Uplink" setting and set it to 3G/4G.  


    I will take a look tonight........... I have not used my UML 290 since I upgraded to 6.2.

  • 7.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 15, 2013 02:29 PM

    No go on Internet connectivity. I can access the web GUI but not the Internet.


    The modem provides Internet access if I use it on my laptop with VZ access manager. 


    Here is what the support tab > AP 3G/4G status shows. 


    1/15/2013 14:23:36 PM Target: SEN-RAP3-01 Command: show cellular status

    cellular status
    card detect link
    ---- ------ ----
    Present detect-ok Linkdown

    USB Modem Information
    Parameter Value
    --------- -----
    Manufacturer Pantech,
    Product PANTECH
    Serial Number
    Driver (none)
    Vendor ID 106c
    Product ID 3718


    If I leave the RAP alone it reboots itself every so often but I am still not getting an up status on the link. 

  • 8.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 16, 2013 02:34 PM

    I tried the "enforce uplink" setting to 3G/4G but still no success. 


    The modem blinks blue 20+ times and then flashes red/purple and shortly after the RAP-3 reboots itself. 


    Are there any logs that show what would fail? TAC is asking for the modem logs which I have no idea where to go to get them. 


    I bought this modem knowing it was the only one supoprted by the RAP-3. I have a client who wants to pilot a RAP-3 in a blood mobile for remote services and need to get this working to do the pilot. 


    Thanks for any assistance. 

  • 9.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 17, 2013 02:57 PM

    Looks like I am getting a little further...


    I enabled the Enforce Uplink option to 3G/4G and the uplink is showing as "probe" as the status.


    Anyone know what this means? It looks better than down.



  • 10.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 19, 2013 11:39 AM

    Sorry I have not had a chance to get back to this -- I have been traveling.


    I have not had a chance to test with the UML290 and the latest version; however, I just learned that there is a SW issue causing the UML driver not to load.  This is being addressed in the next patch ( due the week of Jan. 21st barring any issues during testing.

  • 11.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 21, 2013 12:00 PM

    Funny. I just got off the phone with TAC and they advised me that there was a bug being fixed in the next release. 


    I was going to post that here and saw yours. 


    I will test again with the new firmware and post my results here. 


    Thanks for checking back. 

  • 12.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Oct 17, 2013 10:58 PM

    Was there a resolution to this thread?  I'm actually working on a RAP-109, but am stuck getting the UML 290 working.

  • 13.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 14, 2013 08:07 PM

    In the IAP admin page go to maintenance --> firmware tab and click check for update version.  I believe you have the release prior to 4g support.

  • 14.  RE: RAP-3WN-US with UML 290 4G Modem

    Posted Jan 14, 2013 08:10 PM
      |   view attached

    4G support is in the version the OP has.   It just is not the current version as the OP thought.


    Release notes attached for the OP's version....
