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RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

This thread has been viewed 40 times
  • 1.  RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 07:35 AM

    Hi Airheads,


    I am standing up a PoC for a client and am having trouble getting the RAP to connect. Environment is below:


    Hardware MM

    2 x 7210 MC, clustered

    1 x 505 CAP

    1 x 305 CAP

    1 x 305 that i flick between CAP and RAP to test

    Software is


    MC's are behind a firewall, bi directional nat'd. Cluster is formed and each MC knows its public IP address:


    lc-cluster group-profile "MC-CLUSTER"
    controller priority 128 mcast-vlan 0 vrrp-ip vrrp-vlan 101 group 1 rap-public-ip x.x.x.x
    controller priority 128 mcast-vlan 0 vrrp-ip vrrp-vlan 101 group 1 rap-public-ip x.x.x.y
    active-client-rebalance-threshold 50
    standby-client-rebalance-threshold 75
    heartbeat-threshold 0


    RAP Cluster pool is defined at the MM level:

    (MM-01) [mynode] #show running-config | include lc-rap
    lc-rap-pool rap-pool


    (MM-01) [mynode] #show lc-rap-pool

    IP addresses used in pool rap-pool

    1 IPs used - 765 IPs free - 766 IPs configured
    LC RAP Pool Total Allocs/Deallocs/Reserves : 5/1/0
    LC RAP Pool Allocs/Deallocs/Reserves(succ/fail) : 3/1/(0/0)



    When provisioned as a cap all works fine, SSIDs broadcast, can connect. When reprovisioning as a rap pointed at either the public IP or private ip i can see errors on the controller such as:




    Doing some searching i came across this link which had the same error: https://www.booches.nl/2019/05/migrate-rap-from-aos-6-x-to-aos-8-x/


    Cluster pool is definitely set and looks to be allocating an IP by the looks of it. I cant seem to find the rap pool command in the config making its way from the MM to the MC's (maybe by design???).


    AP is showing as whitelisted on the MM but not on the MC's


    I am working with a local SE on the issue but hoping others have had something similar and have a solution.




  • 2.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 08:04 AM
      |   view attached

    In your cluster configuration, have you defined a RAP public IP for each member? See attached screenshot. When terminating RAPs to a cluster you should define this IP.

  • 3.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 08:15 AM

    Yep, public IP's are defined (see original post config snippet).


    All documentation 8.4 onwards also says to define the RAP pool at the MM level under "Cluster RAP Pool" settings so that is what has been done. SE also confirmed this to be accurate.



  • 4.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 08:18 AM

    That never worked for me. MD is where I got it to work.




  • 5.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 08:09 AM

    Also your RAP pool should be configured under your Managed Network level, not the MM Level.

  • 6.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 09:12 AM

    See if your RAP mac is whitelisted on the MD:

    Show crypto isakmp clusterMac


    See if your RAP was assigned an ip address from the pool on the MD:

    Show crypto isakmp clusterIP




  • 7.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 09:18 AM

    show crypto isakmp clusterMAC

    Cluster RAPMAC Table Entries:

    Total RAPMAC Entries: 0


    show crypto isakmp clusterIP

    Cluster RAPIP Table Entries:

    Total RAPIP Entries: 0


    Same on both controllers


    on the MM show whitelist-db rap shows:

    AP-entry Details
    Name AP-Group AP-Name Full-Name Authen-Username Revoke-Text AP_Authenticated Description Date-Added Enabled Remote-IP Remote-IPv6 Cluster-InnerIP Cert-type
    ---- -------- ------- --------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ------- --------- ----------- --------------- ---------
    xxxxxxxxxxxx RAP-TEST xxxx-305 Provisioned Thu Apr 2 11:43:39 2020 Yes :: NA

  • 8.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 03, 2020 09:36 AM

    When you go to configuration> access points> whitelist> Remote AP whitelist do you see your whitelisted RAPs at the highest /MD level?  What about if you navigate down to the MD level?

  • 9.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 05, 2020 03:56 AM

    @brettbrown wrote:

    Cluster pool is definitely set and looks to be allocating an IP by the looks of it. I cant seem to find the rap pool command in the config making its way from the MM to the MC's (maybe by design???).


    With cluster RAP, the pool itself does not get pushed to MDs, as opposed to the way things work when not using cluster with RAPs. The pool is used (by the MM) to assign an IP (from the pool) to the RAP when it's put into the whitelist database; which essentially becomes a static IP. That IP is then consistent across the MDs within the cluster that it terminates in (indeed across all clusters of the MM).


    When the RAP arrives in the MD, it will use the auth-server "internal" to try to authenticate, in a cluster this should be pointing to the MM virtual IP, please confirm it using "show aaa authentication-server internal", it should show the IP of the MM VIP (or MM primary if you don't have a backup MM). 


    If someone has previously set the MD internal auth server to "use-local-switch" then this could easily cause the problem you're seeing.


    Here is how the security debug should look (warning: don't run log level debugging security in a live RAP network for any extended amount of time). In the below debug, a RAP (9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c) connects to MD ( from NAT source IP, via a RAP cluster public IP (does not appear in debug).

    The RAP whitelist entry is not found on the MD so the MD will query the MM VIP ( and finds a result which has internal IP

    168430082 (0xa0a0a02 ==



    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  RX (sock) message of type 66, len 1028 
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124454:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  auth_user_query_raw: recvd request user:9c:8c:d8:09:50:0c ip: cookie:-2145524411 
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124098:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  Setting authstate 'started' for user, client VPN.
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124099:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  Setting auth type 'VPN' for user, client VPN.
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  ncfg_auth_server_group_authtype ip=, method=VPN vpnflags:2
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  ncfg_auth_server_group_authtype vpnflags:2 vpn-profile:default-rap
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  ip=, sg=default
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  aal_authenticate aal 0x2b9cc94 username 9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124547:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  aal_authenticate server_group:default.
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  Select server for method=VPN, user=9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c, essid=<>, server-group=default, last_srv <>
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124038:  <3368> <INFO> |authmgr|  Reused server Internal for method=VPN; user=9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c,  essid=<>, domain=<>, server-group=default
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :133028:  <3426> <DBUG> |localdb|  executeUSERDBMethod( ==> PktType:0x402 SeqNum:37117 MsgCode:62): Received udb_msg with msgtype:62 id:178 reqtype:6 dbtype:13
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :133108:  <3426> <DBUG> |localdb|  executeUSERDBMethod: Query for mac:9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c not successful locally with msgtype:62 id:178 reqtype:6 dbtype:13
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :133032:  <3426> <DBUG> |localdb|  localdb_send_db_fetch_req: Sending Fetch-Req on WL-entry for mac 9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c to with msgtype:62 id:178 reqtype:9 dbtype:13
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :133028:  <3426> <DBUG> |localdb|  executeUSERDBMethod( ==> PktType:0x2002 SeqNum:8267 MsgCode:62): Received udb_msg with msgtype:79 id:178 reqtype:10 dbtype:13
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :133108:  <3426> <DBUG> |localdb|  executeUSERDBMethod: Received FETCH-RSP for mac:9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c with msgtype:79 id:178 reqtype:10 dbtype:13
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :133005:  <3426> <INFO> |localdb|  User 9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c  Successfully Authenticated
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  udb_gen_whitelist_avpairs: Added avpair name Remote-IP value 0 
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  udb_gen_whitelist_avpairs: Added avpair name Remote-IPv6 value :: 
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  udb_gen_whitelist_avpairs: Added avpair name Inner-IP value 168430082  (0xa0a0a02 ==
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124004:  <3368> <DBUG> |authmgr|  udb_gen_whitelist_avpairs: Added avpair name Cert_type value 1 
    Apr 5 15:40:30 :124003:  <3368> <INFO> |authmgr|  Authentication result=Authentication Successful(0), method=VPN, server=Internal, user=9c:8c:d8:09:05:0c 



  • 10.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 05, 2020 06:06 AM

    Thanks for all the replies.


    show aaa authentication-server internal
    Internal Server
    Host IP addr Retries Timeout Status
    ---- ------- ------- ------- ------
    Internal 3 5 Enabled

  is the MM so that part looks ok.


    LMB/BLMS is not set, my understanding is once provisioned (pointing at either public IP or private IP), the RAP should pull down the node list and be able to work out how it connects, is this not correct? I don't have them set in the ap-group i was using for then in CAP mode and they connect ok to both controllers and fail over.


    show profile-errors shows nothing invalid on the mm or mc's.



  • 11.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 05, 2020 06:19 AM

    yes you're correct, lms/blms should not be configured for this to work and the AP will learn about the RAP public IPs as it comes up on the cluster.


    Please enable "logging security level debugging" for the MD in question, try to connect your RAP and either compare it to what I posted before, or, post it here.


    In essence, the RAP connects to the public IP configured as its master IP (via dns or whatever), gets port forwarded to one of the MDs, starts processing, is not found in the MD whitelist DB, the MD then queries the MM, it should return success together with the internal IP, and then the MD will add it to its local whitelist DB and proceeds to do normal RAP bring up.


    The security debug on the MD that the master IP maps to should tell us 95% of what is wrong.

  • 12.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 05, 2020 07:41 AM
      |   view attached

    1000 lines attached, this is with the RAP connecting via the internal private ip.


    Inner IP doesn't appear to be making it down to the MD:

    Apr 5 21:30:18 :103063:  <3593> <DBUG> |ike|   ipc_ikev2_auth_recv_vpn_packet cookie:2236370049 innerip inneripv6
    Apr 5 21:30:18 :103063:  <3593> <DBUG> |ike|   ipc_ikev2_auth_recv_vpn_packet removing ctx 206bbe4 from auth-list. auth-cookie 2236370049
    Apr 5 21:30:18 :103063:  <3593> <DBUG> |ike|   *** ipc_auth_recv_packet user=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, pass=******, result=0   ctx:0x206bbe4, ctx-innerip::: l2tp_pool:default-l2tp-pool
    Apr 5 21:30:18 :103063:  <3593> <DBUG> |ike|   ipc_ikev2_auth_recv_vpn_packet rsp.cluster_rap_innerip rsp.inner_ip
    Apr 5 21:30:18 :103063:  <3593> <DBUG> |ike|    Peer:AUTH_HMAC_SHA1_96 Peer:ESN_0  <-- R   Notify: INTERNAL_ADDRESS_FAILURE (ESP spi=2fe2a400)#
    Apr 5 21:30:18 :103063:  <3593> <DBUG> |ike|   SEND 80 bytes to (427784.469)


    rap_private_ip_debug.txt   115 KB 1 version

  • 13.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning
    Best Answer

    Posted Apr 05, 2020 11:08 AM

    it is not that the inner IP is not making it, it is that the MD is authenticating the RAP in an odd way, such that it never tries to query the MM


    The clue appears to be the log about skipping the cert CN check


    Apr 5 21:30:11 :124004:  <3650> <DBUG> |authmgr|  RX (sock) message of type 66, len 1036
    Apr 5 21:30:11 :124454:  <3650> <DBUG> |authmgr|  auth_user_query_raw: recvd request user:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ip: cookie:-2058597249
    Apr 5 21:30:11 :132218:  <3650> <INFO> |authmgr|  Skipping certificate common name check for username= MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00
    Apr 5 21:30:11 :124453:  <3650> <DBUG> |authmgr|  auth_user_query_resp: response user:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ip: cookie:-2058597249
    Apr 5 21:30:11 :124198:  <3650> <ERRS> |authmgr|  {00:00:00:00:00:00-??} Missing server in attribute list, auth=VPN, utype=L3.
    Apr 5 21:30:11 :124441:  <3650> <DBUG> |authmgr|  auth_user_query_resp: vpnflags:2
    Apr 5 21:30:11 :124004:  <3650> <DBUG> |authmgr|  ip=, sg=internal


    which you can see is not in the working debug I posted before. I checked into the auth code and it would appear that if the VPN profile has "Check certificate common name against AAA server" disabled, then it circumvents this whole process of querying the local DB (and then the MM).


    I also see that your RAP has picked up "aaa server-group internal" ( (sg=internal) which is also different from the default setting, which would have been "aaa server-group default"


    So... please check if any of the following have been modified from their defaults, and/or add them here for discussion.

    > show aaa server-group internal
    > show aaa server-group default
    > show aaa authentication vpn default-rap
    > show aaa authentication vpn default

    If you find that "Check certificate common name against AAA server" has been set to "disabled", especially in "aaa authentication vpn default-rap", please try changing it back to enabled.

  • 14.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 05, 2020 03:04 PM

    In the case of a cluster, the RAP pool should be configured on the Mobility Master. In AOS 8.6.x.x, the RAP pool can only be configured under the 'Mobility Master' in the hierarchy, which is equivalent to /mm in the CLI.

    Leave the LMS/BKUP-LMS empty.


    Please validate in the WebUI that the RAP pool is configured as per the above. From the CLI, validate it by running the command:

    'show configuration committed /mm | include lc-rap-pool'


  • 15.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 06, 2020 12:03 AM

    Commands below. I should note, these were all factory default and have been setup from scratch with fairly minimal setup, just what was required to get them clustered and a few ssid's setup. CAP mode, works fine.


    show aaa server-group internal
    Fail Through:No
    Load Balance:No
    Auth Servers
    Name      Server-Type  trim-FQDN  Match-Type  Match-Op  Match-Str
    ----      -----------  ---------  ----------  --------  ---------
    Internal  Internal     No
    Role/VLAN derivation rules
    Priority  Attribute  Operation  Operand  Type    Action    Value  Validated
    --------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----    ------    -----  ---------
    1         Role       value-of            String  set role         No


    show aaa server-group default
    Fail Through:No
    Load Balance:No
    Auth Servers
    Name      Server-Type  trim-FQDN  Match-Type  Match-Op  Match-Str
    ----      -----------  ---------  ----------  --------  ---------
    Internal  Internal     No
    Role/VLAN derivation rules
    Priority  Attribute  Operation  Operand  Type    Action    Value  Validated
    --------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----    ------    -----  -------


    show aaa authentication vpn default-rap
    VPN Authentication Profile "default-rap" (Predefined (changed))
    Parameter                                         Value
    ---------                                         -----
    Default Role                                      default-vpn-role
    Server Group                                      internal
    RADIUS Accounting Server Group                    N/A
    Max Authentication failures                       0
    Check certificate common name against AAA server  Disabled
    Export VPN IP address as a route                  Enabled
    User idle timeout                                 N/A
    PAN Firewall Integration                          Disabled
    show aaa authentication vpn default
    VPN Authentication Profile "default"
    Parameter                                         Value
    ---------                                         -----
    Default Role                                      default-vpn-role
    Server Group                                      default
    RADIUS Accounting Server Group                    N/A
    Max Authentication failures                       0
    Check certificate common name against AAA server  Enabled
    Export VPN IP address as a route                  Enabled
    User idle timeout                                 N/A
    PAN Firewall Integration                          Disabled

  • 16.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 06, 2020 12:35 AM

    Re enabling "Check certificate common name against AAA server" seems to have fixed the issue (i don't recall disabling....)


    Will re provision to talk to public IP and continue testing.

    Thanks for your help!

  • 17.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Apr 06, 2020 12:39 AM

    that's good news, if anything else crops up let us know here.


  • 18.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Aug 20, 2020 05:27 AM

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. After recreating my cluster with public IPs I ran into some headaches with RAP provisioning. The "RAP solution Guide with Clusters" PDF that has been making its way around SE circles is a great document but it fails to mention most of what you posted and more or less assumes one is creating things like a cluster for the first time. I was able to resolve my issues by making sure the the internal db was referenced and that certificate checking against AAA server was enabled.

  • 19.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Aug 20, 2020 05:41 AM

    Glad to know it was helpful - couple of things:

    Can you send me a copy of the exact document you're referring to, either a link to it, or, DM me a dropbox link or some such ?

    I thought it a bit of a rare case that someone would have changed these defaults, I can potentially look to chase up the authors (if possible) of the doc you're referring to, but can you elaborate a bit how it came to be that your system had non default values here ?


    thanks. -jeff

  • 20.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Aug 20, 2020 11:28 AM
      |   view attached

    Sure thing. I've attached the PDF here.

    The geniuses who made changes to the default server group is this case were the professional services outfit that helped us stand up our solution back in early 2019. Make a change on a default profile and then don't reference it. That's smart right? /s I find myself still chasing little things like this down a year and a half later.

    When I was having issues, I noticed the APs were hitting our ClearPass Publisher strangely considering we were only planning on using the internal RAP whitelist DB on the MMs. To get it to stop showing up in access tracker, incorrectly, I thought it wise to disable "Check certificate common name against AAA server" in the L3 Authentication/VPN Authentication/default-rap profile. A combination of these 2 items made the RAPs not able to complete joining the cluster.


  • 21.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Aug 20, 2020 10:55 PM


    Thanks for the doc, ok, that's the one I thought it was going to be. I'll reach out to the author and see about putting a note in about this little gotcha (or a quick cross check for it).


    I hear you regarding twiddling of knobs, it's an unfortunate double edge sword - having so many things to tweak increases the surface area for making changes that appear benign but turn out to have an impact (which is not least on us, as there is little warning or documentation to really deeply explain what might happen). But, if we take those options away or hide them, then sure enough we will find out there are a few customers using them.


  • 22.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Mar 29, 2021 05:29 PM
      |   view attached

    I'm running code, have two MC 7010 in cluster 
    Have setup with two RAP public IP as described in document Aruba Remote Access Point Solution Guide for Teleworkers and Home Offices 
    Provisioning of RAP seemes working fine, AP is converting to RAP. Is seems also that Ap is getting inner IP and establishing Ipsec tunnel ok with first controller and authenticating ok.
    But in some point something is going wrong and tunnel is deleted and RAP is not comming up.
    I have defined whitelist for the RAP and tried all above suggestion (it seems so) 
    If I disable clustering,  RAP is comming up 

    I enclose log of debug (ike, localdb, l2tp, authmgr) 

    Is there something what I miss in configuration ? Please help


    Karol Karkowski


    RAP and Cluster log.txt   183 KB 1 version

  • 23.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Mar 29, 2021 05:55 PM
    Did you check the whitelist database on BOTH controllers (MDs)? I've seen weird things in my env where when provisioning, one controller's whitelist database gets updated properly but the other doesn't. I then fixed the one that didnt update properly via the cli.

  • 24.  RE: RAP not connecting to cluster after provisioning

    Posted Mar 29, 2021 06:11 PM