If you setup DNS a-record with two addresses, what happens next depends on the DNS server configuration:
- DNS round robin will deliver one ip address and then the other
- An alternate DNS setup will deliver both addresses
If the DNS server is only serving up one address at a time (round robin), that is all that the RAP will try. If it finds a controller at that address, you can deliver a second address via backup LMS-IP, which it will use as backup. If it does not find a controller at that address, it should reboot, where the DNS server should supply the second address. If the DNS server is sending out two ip addresses, the RAP will try the first address, and if it does not exist, it will try the next address. LMS-IP and backup LMS can be delivered to the RAP in any scenario where it finds a controller.
LMS and Backup LMS can only be delivered if the RAP finds a controller after cold boot in the first place. DNS supplying alternate addresses or I guess a Netscaler would provide redundancy upon cold boot for the initial ip address.