Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 09:57 AM

    i see this msg in the logs that cooincides with the time she says she has the problem:

    " nanny| Process Manager (nanny) shutting down - AP will reboot"

    Aruba Support has not been able to offer much help in troubleshooting RAP3 issues. Does anyone know what the msg is indicative of?

    we have 3600 controllers running 6.2 OS


  • 2.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 10:36 AM


    Can you please run the following :


    show ap debug counters | include <ap name> and if the APs its been bootstrapping a lot 

    show ap debug system-profile ap-name <ap name> will give you more detail of what's going on if it is missing any heartbeats to the controller 

    show log system all | include <device mac>


    Is there been any changes to the network recently ? Upgrade or are you aware if there's issues with ISP connection where the RAP is located ?


  • 3.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 12:19 PM

    show ap debug counters | include

    AP Counters
    Name              Group IP        Address     Configs Sent Configs Acked AP Boots Sent AP Boots Acked Bootstraps (Total) Reboots Crash
    ------------------  ----------------  ---------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  -----------------------  ----------   ----
    RAP3-P8702   RAP_Group         3                      3                         0                         0                            1                  (41 )    15            N


    no system changes have been made. Problem is we have no way to tell if the issue is with the ISP. We are hoping to be able to at least tell the users that the issue is NOT the RAP. I do see occasional bootstraps due to missing heartbetas. Would that indicate an ISP issue?

  • 4.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 10:36 AM

    I assume that this RAP is in fact rebooting?  What is the topology in the user's location?  Have you considered an upgrade to  Also, are there other RAPs out there being affected?  

  • 5.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 12:07 PM

    im not sure if the RAP is rebooting, that's what im trtying to gather from the logs. what benefit would an upgrade on my controllers give us? Is this issue sympomatic of a known bug on

    We have about 30 RAPs in production but this is the only one currently having issues. We have had a couple of others complain but it seems it turned out to be their ISP. We really need some guidelines on how to troubleshoot these RAPs when a user has an issue to see if the problem lies with the RAP, the ISP or the controllers.


  • 6.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 12:13 PM

    Try executing a 


    show ap active


    That will tell you uptime.  I am not aware of any bugs but TAC would be able to assist in that regard.  

  • 7.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 12:20 PM

    Ah, that one shows exact boot time. that is helpful. Would rebootstrap due to missing heartbeats rest the uptime counter?

  • 8.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 02:05 PM

    Run the following to see if it bootstrapped since the uptime your seeing.  Compare the tot-t field vs. your uptime.


    show ap bss-table | include RAP3-P8702







  • 9.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 02:17 PM

    So if they are the same i am to infer...........

  • 10.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 02:59 PM

    @mariov wrote:

    So if they are the same i am to infer...........

    If they are the same, you can assume it was a reboot vs. a bootstrap.   

  • 11.  RE: RAP3 user claims she keeps losing connection.

    Posted Apr 11, 2014 03:46 PM

    Noob question but what's the difference?