Wireless Access

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  • 1.  RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:27 PM

    Hi All,


    I've got a few RAPs that I can see in the logon role but not in the ap database. This is happenning with all RAPs.


    (A3200) #show user

    IP MAC Name Role Age(d:h:m) Auth VPN link AP name Roaming Essid/Bssid/Phy Profile Forward mode Type
    ---------- ------------ ------ ---- ---------- ---- -------- ------- ------- --------------- ------- ------------ ---- 00:00:00:00:00:00 logon 00:00:05 VPN N/A default tunnel 00:00:00:00:00:00 logon 00:00:05 VPN N/A default tunnel 00:00:00:00:00:00 logon 00:00:05 VPN N/A default tunnel

    User Entries: 3/3


    I can see they've got an IPSec security association but none of them have a private IP assigned.


    (A3200) #show crypto isakmp sa

    ISAKMP SA Active Session Information
    Initiator IP Responder IP Flags Start Time Private IP
    ------------ ------------ ----- --------------- ---------- i-a-p Aug 8 14:37:19 - (this is the local - master sa) r-v2-c-R Aug 8 14:36:13 - r-v2-c-R Aug 8 14:36:13 - r-v2-c-R Aug 8 14:36:13 -


    I've setup a RAP pool of IP addresses but they're not being used.


    (A3200) # show vpdn l2tp local pool

    IP addresses used in pool 3200RAP_Pool
    0 IPs used - 32 IPs free - 32 IPs configured
    IP pool allocations / de-allocations - L2TP: 0/0 IKE: 0/0


    The logon role has not been changed from defaults as far as I'm aware:


    (A3200) #show rights logon

    Derived Role = 'logon'
    Up BW:No Limit Down BW:No Limit
    L2TP Pool = default-l2tp-pool
    PPTP Pool = default-pptp-pool
    Periodic reauthentication: Disabled
    ACL Number = 1/0
    Max Sessions = 65535

    access-list List
    Position Name Location
    -------- ---- --------
    1 logon-control
    2 vpnlogon
    3 v6-logon-control
    4 captiveportal6

    Priority Source Destination Service Action TimeRange Log Expired Queue TOS 8021P Blacklist Mirror DisScan ClassifyMedia IPv4/6
    -------- ------ ----------- ------- ------ --------- --- ------- ----- --- ----- --------- ------ ------- ------------- ------
    1 user any udp 68 deny Low 4
    2 any any svc-icmp permit Low 4
    3 any any svc-dns permit Low 4
    4 any any svc-dhcp permit Low 4
    5 any any svc-natt permit Low 4
    Priority Source Destination Service Action TimeRange Log Expired Queue TOS 8021P Blacklist Mirror DisScan ClassifyMedia IPv4/6
    -------- ------ ----------- ------- ------ --------- --- ------- ----- --- ----- --------- ------ ------- ------------- ------
    1 user any svc-ike permit Low 4
    2 user any svc-esp permit Low 4
    3 any any svc-l2tp permit Low 4
    4 any any svc-pptp permit Low 4
    5 any any svc-gre permit Low 4
    Priority Source Destination Service Action TimeRange Log Expired Queue TOS 8021P Blacklist Mirror DisScan ClassifyMedia IPv4/6
    -------- ------ ----------- ------- ------ --------- --- ------- ----- --- ----- --------- ------ ------- ------------- ------
    1 user any udp 68 deny Low 6
    2 any any svc-v6-icmp permit Low 6
    --More-- (q) quit (u) pageup (/) search (n) repeat 3 any any svc-v6-dhcp permit Low 6
    4 any any svc-dns permit Low 6
    Priority Source Destination Service Action TimeRange Log Expired Queue TOS 8021P Blacklist Mirror DisScan ClassifyMedia IPv4/6
    -------- ------ ----------- ------- ------ --------- --- ------- ----- --- ----- --------- ------ ------- ------------- ------
    1 user controller6 svc-https captive Low 6
    2 user any svc-http captive Low 6
    3 user any svc-https captive Low 6
    4 user any svc-http-proxy1 captive Low 6
    5 user any svc-http-proxy2 captive Low 6
    6 user any svc-http-proxy3 captive Low 6

    Expired Policies (due to time constraints) = 0


    The MAC addresses are in the RAP whitelist.


    Can anyone shed some light on this please?


    I'm sure I've probably overlooked something simple.



  • 2.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:33 PM


    Is that the only devices attach to that controller ?


    Is your port and VLAN trusted on the uplink interface?

  • 3.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:36 PM

    Hi Victor,


    All ports are configured in a port-channel and all VLANs run over it and are trusted.


    @victorfabian wrote:


    Is that the only devices attach to that controller ?


    Can you clarify this bit?



  • 4.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:37 PM


    If those RAPs are the only ones you have connected to your controller .

  • 5.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:39 PM



    Yes, this controller is being used solely to terminate RAPs. 


    Currently there are only 3 which we are attempting to connect and we're seeing the same issue with all of them.



  • 6.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:40 PM


    And also make sure the UDP/4500 is allowed if you have any ip access-group on your port-channels.


    Do a show datapath session | include 4500


    logging level debugging security 


    show log security all | include <rapmac>

  • 7.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:56 PM

  • 8.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role

    Posted Aug 08, 2013 02:57 PM

    @jrwhitehead wrote:


    I've setup a RAP pool of IP addresses but they're not being used.


    (A3200) # show vpdn l2tp local pool

    IP addresses used in pool 3200RAP_Pool
    0 IPs used - 32 IPs free - 32 IPs configured
    IP pool allocations / de-allocations - L2TP: 0/0 IKE: 0/0

    I'm not onsite now but grabbed this earlier:


    (A3200) #show datapath session table | include 4500 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 pc3 69 F 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 pc3 6c FC 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 61 local 1d45 FC 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 pc3 6a F 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 pc3 6a FC 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 pc3 6c F 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 local 1d45 F 17 4500 4500 0/0 0 0 0 pc3 69 FC




    (A3200) #show log security 10

    Aug 8 15:43:01 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:401: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x0, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 15:53:01 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:401: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x0, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 16:03:02 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:411: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x109958ac, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 16:13:04 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:401: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x0, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 16:23:16 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:411: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x109958ac, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 16:33:16 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:411: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x109958ac, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 16:41:38 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:411: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x109958ac, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)
    Aug 8 16:43:17 :199802: <ERRS> |authmgr| station.c, sta_del_l3:411: Cannot delete L3 entry for station (0x109958ac, mac=00:00:00:00:00:00)


    I'll setup debugging on the security log tomorrow and see what it says..



  • 9.  RE: RAPs stuck in logon role
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 09, 2013 04:47 AM

    'show crypto ipsec sa' showed that phase 2 was failing.


    I debugged the crypto security process 'logging level debugging security process crypto' and looked at the security log and found the following:


    Aug 9 09:29:30 :103063: <DBUG> |ike| ipc_ikev2_auth_recv_pap_packet cookie:3287001688 innerip 0
    Aug 9 09:29:30 :103063: <DBUG> |ike| *** ipc_auth_recv_packet user=d8:c7:c8:c1:ed:9b, pass=******, result=1 ctx:101e2274, ctx-innerip: l2tp_pool:
    Aug 9 09:29:30 :103083: <INFO> |ike| IKEv2 Client-Authentication failed for user: d8:c7:c8:c1:ed:9b
    Aug 9 09:29:30 :103063: <DBUG> |ike| Proposal #1: ESP(3) spi=16b62900 ENCR_AES 256-BITS AUTH_HMAC_SHA1_96 ESN_0 <-- R
    Aug 9 09:29:30 :103063: <DBUG> |ike| OutCp entered
    Aug 9 09:29:30 :103063: <DBUG> |ike| Notify: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED (ESP spi=16b62900)#SEND 80 bytes to (67997.


    I double checked the rap whitelist and that MAC address was in it. 

    That's when it hit me.




    This is a local controller and the RAP whitelist that is being used is on the master.

    Added the MACs to the masters RAP whitelist and the RAPs passed IPSec phase 2 and popped up in the ap database.


    Thanks for pointing me at the RAP troubleshooting KB Victor.
