@cjoseph wrote:
You don't need ArubaOS 6.x for access points to fail over to another controller. ArubaOS 8.x can certainly do that.
I know ArubaOS 8 can provide redundancy to another controller over a MPLS network, but can do that without MM or MCM? Because my customer can't afford a MM right now. It is the main question I asked at the beggining of the post:
Is there a way to provide redundancy between the three sites/controllers in a way that in case of a controller failure its set of APs will fail over other site/controller, all this without a dedicated MM or MCM? For example, in case of controller 2 fails, its APs will fail over controller 1. Reading documentation I see a MM/MCM is needed, and because they cannot terminate APs in ArubaOS 8, the MM/MCM must be dedicated.