The 5 most recent entries in that log are all identical:
394 530706.892282 wifi1: EIRP (Config: 18.0dBm, Set: 18.0dBm, AP Max: 21.50dBm, Reg Max: 32.0dBm), Conducted Power Set: 14.50dBm, Gain: 3.50
Prior to that, there is an entry where the power appears different:
390 525018.553272 wifi1: EIRP (Config: 21.0dBm, Set: 21.0dBm, AP Max: 21.50dBm, Reg Max: 32.0dBm), Conducted Power Set: 17.50dBm, Gain: 3.50
This presumably means that the power changed (lowered) recently?
Also, I assume the 2nd number in each line is a timestamp? How do I convert that to a human-readable date/time, please?
Thanks for your assistance.