Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Release notes change without version number bump?

    Posted Jun 04, 2012 07:18 AM

    Dear All,


    I'm not sure I understand the version numbering perfectly...

    When the ArubaOS version came out a few days ago, I downloaded the release notes for it. Today I checked it out again, and while it has the same filename, it has a new timestamp, and it's a different file. The Aruba document ID is the same.

    This is not the first time that files change on the download site, without any notice, or version number bump. It's less of a problem for a 'release notes' file, more tricky with a new OS image.


    What's the normal process for such changes? Should I upgrade my controllers, even if it's the same version, but obviously a different image?






  • 2.  RE: Release notes change without version number bump?

    Posted Jun 04, 2012 10:41 AM

    The release notes probably had a cosmetic error in them so they made a change and reposted them.  The AOS image hasn't changed since they posted it though.  It's still the same 33796 build that was posted on 5/29.

  • 3.  RE: Release notes change without version number bump?
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 08, 2012 06:35 PM

    Hey Tamas,


    Sometimes we update the release notes after a release if some new information needs to be added, something had been left out, or something was missed during our document review cycle.  The posting of a new copy of the release notes does not necessarily mean that the corresponding code has changed. Going forward, we'll add something in the document to indicate that it is a new version.  It will probably be something like "ver. 2" next to the document's part number.  Sorry the confusion this may have caused. 



  • 4.  RE: Release notes change without version number bump?

    Posted Jun 21, 2012 03:56 AM

    "0510837-14 Ver. 3"  :smileywink:



