Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Removing Stacking S3500

    Posted Nov 19, 2012 05:08 PM

    This took me a while to figure out so thought I'd post it on here if anyone else runs into this. Sorry if this was covered in another thread already.


    By default ports 1/2 and 1/3 on the switch are set up for stacking. You can remove the stacking and use them as regular SFP ports if you want by entering the following commands.


    (ArubaS3500-24-POE) #configure terminal

    (ArubaS3500-24-POE) (config) #delete stacking interface stack 1/2

    (ArubaS3500-24-POE) (config) #delete stacking interface stack 1/3

    (ArubaS3500-24-POE) (config) #write mem Saving Configuration...

    Configuration Saved.


    Hope this helped you out. 

  • 2.  RE: Removing Stacking S3500

    Posted Feb 24, 2013 05:01 PM

    Great tip! Thanks for posting it.

  • 3.  RE: Removing Stacking S3500

    Posted Apr 24, 2013 03:51 AM

    Sorry to resurrect an old post but does anyone know if this command can only be run via the console port or via a remote ssh connection?

    Also is this supported on the S2500?



  • 4.  RE: Removing Stacking S3500

    Posted Apr 24, 2013 06:29 AM


    You can delete a stacking interface through a local console connection OR a remote ssh/telnet session. However, you can only delete the stacking interfaces of the primary switch (an active standalone is always primary).


    I'll file an enhancement request so that you could delete a non-primary but the previous thinking on that is if you were to do that, you probably would be disconnecting that member from the stack anyways so you would have local access to remove it and then delete it's stacking interfaces.


    And yes, this is supported on the S2500s.


    Best regards,



  • 5.  RE: Removing Stacking S3500

    Posted Jan 08, 2014 03:36 PM

    Just wanted to let everyone know that with AOS you can now delete a stacklink from a non-primary.


    (host) #set stacking interface stack 1/2 member ?
    <id>                    Number(0-7) or 'all' for all members


    Best regards,



  • 6.  RE: Removing Stacking S3500

    Posted Jan 07, 2015 10:38 AM

    Thanks All,


    I will test it now


    I have another question


    I have 2 Corinex powerline adapters that I use to connect 2 points as there no is way to install any cable

    When I connect them to any 2 switches or laptops they work fine, but when I use them between 2 Aruba switches S1500 they don't work.


    So I think that there is something which block their traffic

    Anybody can help??


    Thanks in advance