2930M (at least one of many models R0M67A) does have backplate physical stacking (not VSF)
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 03, 2024 06:27 AM
From: parnassus
Subject: Replacement of 2920 stack switches to 2930M
No, you can't insert any 2930M/2930F switch on an existing 2920 Backplane Stack simply because 2930M/2930F switches do support VSF (Frontplane Stacking) only and they don't support Backplane Stacking and, vice-versa, the 2920 supports only Backplane Stacking and not VSF (Frontplane Stacking).
Original Message:
Sent: 7/3/2024 1:06:00 AM
From: Itsnavid
Subject: Replacement of 2920 stack switches to 2930M
I would like to know if we can replace stack switches 2920 to 2930M . Do we have to start from start or we can replace one by one for the configuration base . Framwave and model are different.