Wireless Access

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  • 1.  RoW and US controller regulations

    Posted Feb 15, 2013 10:52 AM

    If I have a US master controller.  Can I have RoW local controllers connected to it and have RoW AP's connected to my local ?  Is this allowed ?



  • 2.  RE: RoW and US controller regulations

    Posted Feb 15, 2013 12:06 PM

    The problem that you will have is that in the local controller you will just be able to put US regulatory domain on your local...

    remenber that the master is the only one that can put the profiles... and the regulatory domians are on the Master which is US only and you cannot change it to some other... For example if you got a WC on bolivia which is the local controller of one in the US which is US only, you wont be able to change the regulatory domain for that Local controller...


    Fro the part you asking i extract directly from a VRD


    When ordering an Aruba Mobility Controller, customers specify a geographic region: United States,

    Israel, or ROW.

    Aruba Mobility Controllers sold in the United States or Israel are physically restricted from managing mobility controllers, APs, and RAPs in other regulatory domains. Administrators cannot assign another regulatory domain to the mobility controllers, APs, or RAPs that terminate at these controllers.  However, a ROW mobility controller can properly manage mobility controllers, APs, and RAPs from any unrestricted country and enforce the correct regulatory radio rules.

    For example, a US-based mobility controller may not terminate or manage mobility controllers, APs, or RAPs based in Canada or Mexico, nor can it fail over using VRRP to a non-US mobility controller. But a ROW mobility controller may fail over to an identically configured ROW mobility controller for

    redundancy purposes.

    A single ROW Aruba Mobility Controller can manage mobility controllers, APs, and RAPs in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain as long as the APs in each country are properly assigned to separate AP groups. Each AP group must be assigned an RF management profile with the correct country code that corresponds to the physical location of the APs


    Source: http://www.infinigate.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/CH/Data/Aruba/Data_Sheets/MobilityControllers/DG_Mobility-Controllers-Deployment-Models-5.0-VRD.pdf


    I dont knwo if that asnwer your question?

  • 3.  RE: RoW and US controller regulations

    Posted Jul 04, 2013 09:11 AM

    Yes this is quite clear, but what is the situation in the opposite case. May I have a ROW master controller with US local controllers with a dedicated standby US Local controller configured with VRRP?

    In a  RoW master controller am I able to configure US regulatory domains for a given AP_group?



  • 4.  RE: RoW and US controller regulations

    Posted Jul 04, 2013 10:02 AM

    @gluky wrote:

    Yes this is quite clear, but what is the situation in the opposite case. May I have a ROW master controller with US local controllers with a dedicated standby US Local controller configured with VRRP?

    In a  RoW master controller am I able to configure US regulatory domains for a given AP_group?



    Yes, you can have a ROW master sending configuration to a local controller that is physically in the U.S. and is configured for the U.S. Regulatory domain.  The U.S. local controller will accept the whole configuration, but will not be able to bring up access points in an ap-group that have a non-U.S. regulatory domain.  You can have a ROW master configuring US regulatory domains for a given AP group, yes.  the U.S. requires a U.S. regulatory domain controller on U.S. soil to enforce U.S. rf rules.