If I were you (clearly if budget permits) I would use a pair of the original OEM supported (by an updated Aruba 5400R zl2 and and updated Aruba 2530) LX SFP Transceiver by HPE Aruba Networking, that is a pair among those:
and - in any case - will try without the "rate-limit multi-cast" interface option (at least initially) to see how the connectivity over your Single Mode 9/125 um optic link (=<10 km) behaves.
For sure original OEM Transceivers support DOM, with non original part there is nothing granted (neither pure performances).
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 17, 2024 03:05 AM
From: dolanbay
Subject: Rx Discards in the 5406 zl2
We use Longline J4859C 1000Base LX 1310nm 10km SFP Module HP compatible.
i tired
int 49 rate-limit mcast in percent 100
b1 rate-limit mcast in percent 100
but it didn't work
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 16, 2024 10:36 AM
From: parnassus
Subject: Rx Discards in the 5406 zl2
I never wrote that "the port efficiency is 70%", I reported what you wrote...the traffic was 700 Mbps on a 1000 Mbps link (arithmetic says that - in that particular moment - the traffic used up to 70% of the link bandwidth, this doesn't mean that it is not going to saturate up to reaching 1000 Mbps).
Why the J4859C on B1 shows no DOM information? is it original OEM or not?
Original Message:
Sent: 9/16/2024 9:37:00 AM
From: dolanbay
Subject: RE: Rx Discards in the 5406 zl2
We cannot say that the port efficiency is 70%. When I increase the traffic, it can reach 1000 Mbit.
Transceiver in B1
Interface Index : 33
Type : 1000LX
Model : J4859C
Connector Type : LC
Wavelength : 1310nm
Transfer Distance : 10.0km (9um),
Diagnostic Support : None
Serial Number : 1604160190
Transceiver in 49
Interface Index : 49
Type : 1000LX
Model : J4859C
Connector Type : LC
Wavelength : 1310nm
Transfer Distance : 20.0km (9um),
Diagnostic Support : DOM
Serial Number : 1BLBM30
Temperature : 37.914C
Voltage : 3.3220V
Tx Bias : 20.274mA
Tx Power : 0.2463mW, -6.085dBm
Rx Power : 0.4343mW, -3.622dBm
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 16, 2024 08:30 AM
From: parnassus
Subject: Rx Discards in the 5406 zl2
So there is a chilometer(s) long distance (or anything longer than 300 at best) between your Core and your Edge switches and the link is 1Gbps. You wrote the traffic flow experiencing the issue ("Drops Tx" on B1 port on the Core switch so it means dropped packets leaving the B1 port to go to port 49 on the Access switch) is pushing 700 Mbps (not MBps) into the link so 70% of the port throughput (any direction), correct?
Could you post the output of show interface transceiver B1 detail command on you Core switch? given the S/N (compared to the other one) is the J4858C installed there an original OEM one (HP, HPE, Aruba)?
Is the Single Mode fiber link certified?
Original Message:
Sent: 9/16/2024 4:05:00 AM
From: dolanbay
Subject: Rx Discards in the 5406 zl2
I am experiencing rx-discard between my HP 5406 zl2 core switch and 2530 48G edge switch.
There is a 700 MB/s data flow from the core switch to the edge switch. Tx discard is too high at 5406. I'm experiencing freezing in camera images. There is fiber optic between the core switch and the edge switch. I am using 1 GB sfp. Is there a solution?
Transceiver in B1
Interface Index : 33
Type : 1000LX
Model : J4859C
Connector Type : LC
Wavelength : 1310nm
Transfer Distance : 10.0km (9um),
Diagnostic Support : None
Serial Number : 1604160190
Status and Counters - Port Counters for port B1
Name :
MAC Address : 1c98ec-b030df
Link Status : Up
Port Enabled : Yes
Totals (Since boot or last clear) :
Bytes Rx : 1,129,566,346 Bytes Tx : 677,259,869
Unicast Rx : 2,238,367,692 Unicast Tx : 1,239,771,395
Bcast/Mcast Rx : 197,126,816 Bcast/Mcast Tx : 2,826,942,819
Errors (Since boot or last clear) :
FCS Rx : 0 Drops Tx : 1,358,916,298
Alignment Rx : 0 Collisions Tx : 0
Runts Rx : 0 Late Colln Tx : 0
Giants Rx : 0 Excessive Colln : 0
Total Rx Errors : 0 Deferred Tx : 0
Others (Since boot or last clear) :
Discard Rx : 78 Out Queue Len : 0
Unknown Protos : 0
Rates (5 minute weighted average) :
Total Rx (bps) : 35,886,448 Total Tx (bps) : 705,228,568
Unicast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 29,528 Unicast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 62,718
B/Mcast Rx (Pkts/sec) : 3 B/Mcast Tx (Pkts/sec) : 435
Utilization Rx : 03.58 %
ZK_BH_S1_48_095_cctv(eth-49)# sh int transceiver 49 detail
Transceiver in 49
Interface Index : 49
Type : 1000LX
Model : J4859C
Connector Type : LC
Wavelength : 1310nm
Transfer Distance : 20.0km (9um),
Diagnostic Support : DOM
Serial Number : 1BLBM30
Temperature : 38.535C
Voltage : 3.3220V
Tx Bias : 20.274mA
Tx Power : 0.2463mW, -6.085dBm
Rx Power : 0.4207mW, -3.760dBm
interface B1
rate-limit bcast in percent 5
vlan 207
tagged A1-A24,B1-B24,C1-C24,E1,E9-E10,E14-E24
ip address
ip helper-address
ip helper-address
qos priority 4