Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Slow download speed

    Posted Nov 04, 2009 06:28 PM
    Using an Office Connect 3CRWE454G75 access point with Linksys WMP600N cards in the clients with less than 10 feet of fresh air from the AP. Upload speed to a local server is about 500 to 900Kbps. Download speed is around 40Kbps (yes forty!). I've used Netstumbler to seek interference but none shows. I've tried turning off NIS firewall to no effect. I tried with no WEP security but still no change. Wired ethernet at 100Kbps is fine both ways. Is this a faulty AP or are there settings I can change to get a practical download speed? Any assistance will be very much appreciated.

  • 2.  RE: Slow download speed

    Posted Nov 19, 2009 09:45 AM

    How many users are sharing the wireless connection on this AP? As your bandwidth is shared amog the simultaneous users connected to the same AP, you may face slowly connections as you mentioned. In the other hand, maybe the AP is receiveing some kind of interference from different sources than others access points, what is causing this strange behavior. I've seen similar behavior before, an access point was installed near to a conditioning air machine, what was causing electrical induction on the UTP cable.


    This message was edited by Fred_Mancen on 11-19-09 @ 6:45 AM