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  • 1.  Sponsorship approve in email & present option on extended expiration

    Posted Jul 08, 2016 02:06 AM

    I have sponsorship approval tied in with guest just fine.

    But rather than presenting the sponsor with the email such as this below... and the provided hyperlink...

    'https://*cppmaddress*/guest/guest_register_confirm.php?gsr_id=guest_register&token=#####-#####-#####-#####-#####' to approve access...


    Is there anyway we can embed the 'approve' and 'deny' in the email itself and fire off the approval via email..

    Avoids having the sponsor literally be on the network with their device to launch the hyperlink and approve.


    But to make matters worse.. I also have provided a drop down to the sponsor in their approval form for extended expiration.

    Standard 24 hours for default use cases

    Extended expiration of a year for VIPs that visit


    Tieing that in with whatever potential email approval/deny action might be interesting ?

  • 2.  RE: Sponsorship approve in email & present option on extended expiration

    Posted Jul 08, 2016 02:34 AM


    I want to replicate this very form.. but technically in email.. for the sponsor.


  • 3.  RE: Sponsorship approve in email & present option on extended expiration
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 08, 2016 03:02 AM
    No it's not possible today. It would be a nice feature request. I'm sure you could use a third party program to digest a email response and use the ClearPass API to trigger an accept.