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  • 1.  SSH2 - Algorithm Mismatch HP MSR4000 SPU-300 Svc Processing Unit

    Posted Oct 31, 2014 05:31 AM


    I am trying to enable SSH2 on the MSR 4000.
    But when the client tries to log in the router a message is displayed with Putty :

    "Couldn't agree a client to server cipher (available des-cbc)"

    The router console shows:

    "HP SSHS/6/SSHS_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH: SSH client failed to log in because of encryption algorithm mismatch.
    %Oct 30 16:26:27:650 2014 HP SSHS/6/SSHS_DISCONNECT: SSH user (null) (IP: disconnect from the server."

    the local RSA & DSA keys where creataed and tested with 1024 and 2048 bit.

    I tried to follow the steps on "" in the menu "Products without Registration ID".
    I selected the "HP MSR High Encryption E-LTU" menu but my product ("HP MSR4000 SPU-300 Svc Processing Unit") doesn't exists .

    Any ideas ?



  • 2.  RE: SSH2 - Algorithm Mismatch HP MSR4000 SPU-300 Svc Processing Unit

    Posted Oct 31, 2014 03:02 PM

    Hi CNMOR,


    you are on right track it is related to high enryption license.

    I think your product is new and not listed on web page yet.


    On the other hand when looking in to software release notes I have seen such a note:


    Features other than Ipsec do not have low enryption limit.


    I have not tested it myself but it worths trying to load newest firmware.



  • 3.  RE: SSH2 - Algorithm Mismatch HP MSR4000 SPU-300 Svc Processing Unit

    Posted Nov 05, 2014 03:36 AM

    Hi Mertdemi,


    Thank for the answer.


    You were right, HP had not yet released the version for my equipment, after making contact 

    with HP the right version is now online.



  • 4.  RE: SSH2 - Algorithm Mismatch HP MSR4000 SPU-300 Svc Processing Unit

    Posted Nov 14, 2014 04:40 AM



    For now HP has put the product in the menu but failed to upload the correspodant license.


    So the problem for the SSH and MSR4000 map SPU- 300 is still blocking.


    Forget the license for the SSH2 on a router that is not bad ...

