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SSID pw change

This thread has been viewed 6 times
  • 1.  SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 23, 2018 07:44 AM


    i'm trying to change a SSID WPA2 Key by a python Script.

    What i got til now:

    - login to our Mobility Master.

    - figure out the Cookie ID -> not the best way but it works ^^

    - Logout (see attachment)


    Now i tried out to post a new password with a curl command at the api gui.

    ->that works, but only if i safe the "Pending Changes" at the main gui.


    So you guys know how to post a curl command like this in pyhton? (attachment)


    It it also necessary to safe changes (After the post command) by script?








    PW_Change.txt   1 KB 1 version
    CURL_TXT.txt   4 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 23, 2018 08:37 AM

    Hey man,


    Here is how to access your cookie in a more sane way:


    l = json.loads(login.content)
    cookie = l['_global_result']['UIDARUBA']

  • 3.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 23, 2018 09:17 AM

    I think you'll need to save as well, essentially commiting the 'Pending Changes', you can do that with a write mem:


    wm_call =
    "{}configuration/object/write_memory?config_path=%2Fmd&UIDARUBA={}".format(url, cookie)

  • 4.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 24, 2018 03:57 AM
      |   view attached



    thanks for the feedback :)


    So i modifyed the script and deployed it without an error (except for the https InsecureRequestWarning )


    But my SSID "Test_PW" didn't change the WPA2 my playload right? Or is there a better way to change a WPA2 Key by script?




    PW_Change.txt   1 KB 1 version

  • 5.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 24, 2018 04:00 AM

    For each post you make against the API you should get a reply back.

    Paste the content here, maybe it reveals some clues.

  • 6.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 24, 2018 04:40 AM



    for the wm_call post i get:

      "write_memory": {
        "_result": {
          "status": 0,
          "status_str": "Success"
      "_global_result": {
        "status": 0,
        "status_str": "Success",
        "_pending": false


    for the create_PW i get this error:

      "Error": "Exception raised while processing request"


    for both i get the status code "200"


    maybe a fundamental error?




  • 7.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 24, 2018 07:41 AM


    Try this (written for python 2.7)


    import requests
    import json
    #IP, username and PW for MM authentication
    ip = 'ip'
    username = 'username'
    password = 'password'
    #current ssid_profile name you want to edit
    ssid_prof_name = 'ssid_profile_name'
    #new password for SSID
    new_psk = 'new_psk_here'
    #%2F replaces slash (below converts to /md/FOLDER1) config_path = '%2Fmd%2FFOLDER1' #END baseURL = 'https://{}:4343/v1'.format(ip) auth = {'username': username, 'password': password} s = requests.Session() login ='{}/api/login'.format(baseURL), data=auth, verify=False) loginData = json.loads(login.content) cookie = loginData['_global_result']['UIDARUBA'] payload = { "ssid_prof": [ { "profile-name": ssid_prof_name, "_action": "add", "wpa_passphrase": { "wpa-passphrase": new_psk, "_action": "add" } } ] } data_set ='{}/configuration/object?config_path={}&UIDARUBA={}'.format(baseURL, config_path, cookie), json=payload, verify=False) print data_set.content

    Note that there is no logout or commit posts in above code, but you've figured that out already :)

  • 8.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 24, 2018 04:15 PM

    In dataset this:




    Can just be:



  • 9.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 25, 2018 02:33 AM

    Oh yeah, didnt think of that. Edited :)

  • 10.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 03:50 AM



    thanks for your support!

    So i added the script from dojjan.


    The script is doning well and i get no errors :)

    But i figured out two problems:


    the changes will not be saved. If i take a look at the MM Webinterface, it offers me the "pending changes" button . But if i execute the script, go to the api webinterface and  do the post command:


    the changes will be saved.

    Are the any bugs in my postcommad? Or is it necessary to do the "wr_mem" in a separate script?


    2. How do i kick out connected users of the SSID? The SSID is only for guests and should change daily.


    I hope you can help me a nother time ;)





    import requests
    import json
    #IP, username and PW for MM authentication
    ip = 'ip'
    username = 'username'
    password = 'password'
    #current ssid_profile name you want to edit
    ssid_prof_name = 'Test_PW'
    #new password for SSID
    new_psk = '123456789'
    #%2F replaces slash (below converts to /md/TB)
    config_path = '%2Fmd%2FTB'
    baseURL = 'https://{}:4343/v1'.format(ip)
    auth = {'username': username, 'password': password}
    s = requests.Session()
    login ='{}/api/login'.format(baseURL), data=auth, verify=False)
    loginData = json.loads(login.content)
    cookie = loginData['_global_result']['UIDARUBA']
    payload = {
        "ssid_prof": [
            "profile-name": ssid_prof_name,
            "_action": "add",
            "wpa_passphrase": {
                "wpa-passphrase": new_psk,
                "_action": "add"
    data_set ='{}/configuration/object?config_path={}&UIDARUBA={}'.format(baseURL, config_path, cookie), json=payload, verify=False)
    wm_call ="{}configuration/object/write_memory?config_path={}&UIDARUBA={}".format(baseURL, config_path, cookie))
    logout ='{}/api/logout'.format(baseURL), data=auth, verify=False)
    print("Logout Status: ", logout.status_code)


  • 11.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 04:00 AM

    if you change the PSK, the user will be disconnect...

  • 12.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 04:08 AM



    What is the content of 


    I might believe it's because you are not using a proper SSL-certificate and you have not set verify=False in your write mem post.


    Try this


    wm_call ="{}configuration/object/write_memory?config_path={}&UIDARUBA={}".format(baseURL, config_path, cookie), verify=False)


  • 13.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 04:41 AM

    the contet of wm_call is:


    Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\urllib3\ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:


    i added the verify but the issure and massages are the same....


  • 14.  RE: SSID pw change
    Best Answer

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 04:55 AM

    Oh wait, there is a missing slash after baseURL, try this:


    wm_call ="{}/configuration/object/write_memory?config_path={}&UIDARUBA={}".format(baseURL, config_path, cookie), verify=False)

  • 15.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 05:04 AM

    ahhhhhh that works!!!


    Thanks a lot :)

  • 16.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 06:04 AM

    Ah, ok different approach, I should have checked that.

    When I'm creating the baseurl variable, I have the trailing '/' when the variable is created, so for example:


    url = 'https:<ipadd>/rest/v1/' 

    Rather than:

     url = 'https:<ipadd>/rest/v1'


    Trailing '/' is always needed so why include the additional character every time the url is called?

    I've just had a look on github at popular rest api python wrapper for any consensus on this. The first one had the first example, but the second used my approach. So, a matter of style choice I guess. Unless someone knows of some style guidelines, PEP8 doesn't say anything about this, but does say consistency is important. So pick one approach and stick with it in your project.



  • 17.  RE: SSID pw change

    Posted Oct 26, 2018 06:11 AM



    I agree 100%.

    I did not put much thought into this, just wanted him to have a working example :)

    The code itself is such a mess, hehe.