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  • 1.  SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 20, 2016 05:50 AM

    Hi All,


    may I ask, why on my aruba wireless networking sometimes 1 SSID authentication base on 802.1x dissapear for 1 minute, then re-apear again,


    whats happen on my aruba ? or where can i find the log ?


    thank you.

  • 2.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 20, 2016 05:57 AM

    Does this happen to both bands?  Possible that there are radar events causing the 5GHz radio to cease transmission for a time whilst it checks a new channel.

    Is it only happening to 1 x ssid or all?

  • 3.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 20, 2016 07:11 AM

    just 1x ssid sir, another ssid still apear

  • 4.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 22, 2016 04:55 PM



    What are you using to see the SSID?  Sometimes if there is alot of congestion in the wireless spectrum, collisions would make an SSID seem like it has disappeared.  In addition, the device that is looking at the SSIDs could miss beacons based on its own scanning algorithm.  I have seen this mostly outdoors with alot of interference and with android devices.

  • 5.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 23, 2016 10:27 AM

    its not ap outdoor sir, its indoor AP, we deploy IAP-215


    and all customer disconnected for 1 minute


    and this problem still happening sometimes.


    still desperate why this problem still happen :(

  • 6.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 23, 2016 06:00 PM

    We need more information.


    What version of Instant?


    How many SSIDs are you broadcasting?


    What is the minimum and maximum transmit power of your access points?


    Do you have Broadcast Filter ARP or Broadcast Filter all enabled?


    Are clients on the 5ghz band also getting disconnected

  • 7.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 24, 2016 02:55 AM

    What version of Instant?

    - We deploy and convert instant to AP base sir,

    - and at our site, we have controller 7010 with version,


    How many SSIDs are you broadcasting?

    - for SSID, we have 3 SSID,

    1 simple ssid for director, 1 SSID using clearpass guest, 1 SSID using clearpass 802.1x,


    What is the minimum and maximum transmit power of your access points?

    - transmit power of AP is 12W, the AP's in cli, i type show ap database, and all AP still up, only SSID, sometime only 1 SSID disapear (SSID 802.1x), sometime all SSID gone.


    Are clients on the 5ghz band also getting disconnected

    - yes, all client getting disconnected


    Do you have Broadcast Filter ARP or Broadcast Filter all enabled?

    - you mean this one ?

    Screenshot (110).png


  • 8.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 24, 2016 06:08 AM

    Please open a TAC case so that they can get to the reason for your issue.

  • 9.  RE: SSID sometimes dissapear

    Posted Oct 24, 2016 06:15 AM

    On the commandline of the controller, you should type "show log system all" or "show log wireless all" to see if there is any evidence of something that could be wrong..