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  • 1.  Syslog RADIUS Login/Logoff Message

    Posted May 08, 2015 10:48 AM

    I want send a syslog message to a logging collector (Splunk) to indicate when a user logins in and when they logoff or when their session expires.


    I need to be able to send the user-name and the framed-ip-address of the user and flag as to whether it was a login or logoff event.


    Is there a way to get a syslog target filter written that will do this?  I have seen the custom SQL available in the filter, but not sure how to write it.

  • 2.  RE: Syslog RADIUS Login/Logoff Message

    Posted May 08, 2015 11:00 AM

    Did you check out our ClearPass app in the Splunk App Store?


    Not sure if this does what you are asking, just want to make sure you know about it.




  • 3.  RE: Syslog RADIUS Login/Logoff Message

    Posted May 08, 2015 11:03 AM

    Zach, I just downloaded that tech note and am reviewing it now.  Thanks

  • 4.  RE: Syslog RADIUS Login/Logoff Message

    Posted May 08, 2015 11:04 AM

    Here's a link to the syslog export filter for the Splunk App integration:



    All this is available in the Documentation section of the support site: Documentation->Software->ClearPass->Policy Manager->Tech Notes

  • 5.  RE: Syslog RADIUS Login/Logoff Message

    Posted May 08, 2015 11:37 AM

    I reviewed the technote, but there are no details on how to tweak the session event log message that is sent.


    Message I am currently sending below.  My problem is that I am trying to determine if this is a login or logogg event.  Is there a field that can denote this?


    I see the field:  Login-Status=ACCEPT, is there another that can be used perhaps?


    May  8 11:30:55 2015-05-08: 11:30:55,478 TEST_CPPM_RADIUS_Session 3 1 0 RADIUS.Acct-Calling-Station-Id=5C-26-0A-71-67-80,Common.Roles=[Machine Authenticated], [User Authenticated],RADIUS.Acct-Framed-IP-Address=,,RADIUS.Acct-Timestamp=2015-05-08 11:30:48-04,Common.Request-Id=R0000006c-01-554cd69d,Common.Source=RADIUS,RADIUS.Auth-Method=EAP-PEAP,EAP-MSCHAPv2,Common.Login-Status=ACCEPT,TimestampFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,S,Common.Username=billbob,src=,RADIUS.Acct-Username=host/,RADIUS.Acct-NAS-IP-Address=,Common.Service=CISCO_WIRED_802.1X_SERVICE