Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Testing AAA test server with NPS succIessful, but windows 7 fails to connect SSID

    Posted Jun 11, 2013 04:59 AM

    Dear All, 


    I have installed NPS on windows server 2008 R2. setup network policies. I also setup radius server on the Aruba controller, and when I use the Diagnositics>AAA test server with a user name and password I get authentication successful, also I can see it in the logs on NPS. but when I try to connect to the SSID I can't and I get this error on NPS:

    "Authentication failed due to a user credentials mismatch. Either the user name provided does not map to an existing user account or the password was incorrect."


    I checked every post available, followed every setup but I can't make it work. the only post i saw that had a solution to a similar problem I had, the user just installed NPS on a different server with basic configuration and it works. problem is I just installed NPS and another server is not an option.


    I am using protected EAP with MS-CHAP-V2. im not interensted in having certificates for now, cause im week in them.


    any help would be highly appreciated.


  • 2.  RE: Testing AAA test server with NPS succIessful, but windows 7 fails to connect SSID

    Posted Jun 11, 2013 07:49 AM


    Since you are not interested validating the cert , on the windows 7 device have you try unchecking to validate the cert ? 


    Reply to Message - Airheads_2013-06-11_07-47-47.png

  • 3.  RE: Testing AAA test server with NPS succIessful, but windows 7 fails to connect SSID

    Posted Jun 11, 2013 08:02 AM

    Also, if I remember this correctly (please correct me if I am wrong ;) ).

    Peap needs the NPS server to present a valid certificate that is signed by one of the root CA's that the client machine have installed as a trusted root CA. if this is not true, the client will not trust the NPS.

  • 4.  RE: Testing AAA test server with NPS succIessful, but windows 7 fails to connect SSID
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 11, 2013 08:10 AM

    I have unchecked the box that says validate the server. before that I used to get error do you want to connect to this server with untrusted root certificate. 


    but i have found the solution, my computer setup was to use computer or user authentication. altough I added domain computers group the auth was being rejected. i changed it in advanced setting to use only user authentication and it is working now I can connect. thank you for your help.