We are running with centralised licensing.
Some time ago we swapped the roles of our Master/Standby Master. The only wrinkle left is that a bunch of the licenses are installed on the Standby Master (what was the Master). It all still works but for tidyness sake it would be good to transfer those over from the STDBY to the Master.
So I assume I would delete them from the STDBY, then add them to the Master - but I would need to update the licensing portal with the new Master's serial number attached to the licenses.
I'm not sure how this will affect the live service, or what order to perform the steps in.
Will updating the portal with the new serial number generate a new license key? Will any part of this process mean that the existing APs will need to reboot to pick up a new license? (Note they are already configured to talk to the correct Master)
Thanks in advance