On HP ProCurve switch series (running HP ProVision OS) this command will show the VLAN membership of an interface (or a range/list of physical/logical interfaces):
show vlans ports ethernet <interface-id> detail (on older HP ProVision the final
detail option is not available)
So, in your case, you can easily check the VLAN membership of ports 1 and 8 with a single command:
show vlans ports ethernet 1,8 detail (or just
show vlans ports ethernet 1,8)
With regard to VLAN tagging (VLAN trunking in Cisco jargon) there are two ways of operate a VLAN membership setting: at VLAN context level or at interface context level.
If you want to operate at VLAN context level simply go to VLAN id context and the execute:
tagging <port-id> or no tagging <port-it> to add tag or remove tag on a particular <port-id> (or untagging <port-id> or no untagging <port-id> if you're in the context of the PVID Port VLAN ID or Native VLAN for that very port and you want that that particular VLAN id to become the Native VLAN id for that port, or remove it...leaving the port orphaned of its Native VLAN id in the case there is already at least one tagging on that port...because a port can't be without at least a VLAN tag).
So, in your case, you should execute for your port 8 (supposing NO native VLAN Id and only tagged VLAN Ids to the interface uplinked to your pFSense):
configshow vlans ports ethernet 8 detailvlan 29tagged 8exitvlan 30tagged 8exitvlan 31tagged 8exitvlan 32tagged 8exitwrite memory
show vlans ports ethernet 8 detail
The other way is to operate at interface context level, this is particularly useful when an interface needs to be tagged on various VLANs (as per your scenario):
interface ethernet <port-id(s)> tagged vlan <vlan-id(s)> or
interface ethernet <port-id(s)> untagged vlan <vlan-id(s)> (both commands accept the no as prefix to remove any VLAN id tagging, if necessary).
So a command like:
interface ethernet 8 tagged vlan 29-32will exactly produce the same outcome of the previous commands sequence written above.
With regard to the Wireless AP connected to port 1 you need to understand if it requires all the VLANs tagged or not (with not I mean: does it require a VLAN id as its Native VLAN Id so untagged on that VLAN id or not?). If it requires that all the VLANs are tagged on the port it is connected to, the setting will be very similar to the one used on the port 8 (just with no VLAN 32), so:
interface ethernet 1 tagged vlan 29-31
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 13, 2022 03:35 AM
From: Preben Bølle
Subject: Trunking/tagging VLANS
I am trying to trunk - in the Cisco meaning of it - or tagged as it is called on HP switches(?) 4 vlans 29,39,31 and 32 from a pfSenese firewall to port 8 on a HP ProCurve 2520G switch.
I am not to familiar with the syntax on HP switches, but I have managed to set VLANs 29->32 as tagged on port 8 via the CLI on the switch. Have I now "trunked" (Cisco meaning of it) those 4 vlans to the switch on port 8?
Also I have another question. I will connect a Unify AP on port 1 on the HP switch, and the AP needs to access VLAN 29,30 and 31. How do I achieve this while on the same time trunking/tagging 29,30,31 and 32 through port8?