Thanks for posting this, but it's just valid for lab environment. All users will get https warning and browsers today doesn't even load the page. What would the steps be to accomplish this "controller-initated login" using https? Is it possible to use wildcard cert on IQ or will it have to be with correct CN? Will the POST url in the Clearpass login page be ""?
John-Egil Solberg |
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 14, 2020 09:10 PM
From: Zak Emerick
Subject: [Tutorial] - Extreme IQ (Aerohive) Guest with MAC-Caching
Attached is a PDF on how to configure Clearpass & Extreme IQ Guest with MAC-Caching.
Firmware: 8.4r7
Device: AP130
CPPM: 6.8.4
Previous versions of the EIQ firmware seemed to have integrated the Captive Portal Bypass function incorrectly or incompletely. This firmware version is confirmed to function as intended. See here for more information.