Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Understanding antenna patterns

    Posted Dec 14, 2018 03:22 PM

    Hi guys,


    Just to clear up, I would like to know how to interpret the following elevation plane (from AP-315):


    What are the units of the vertical axis? dB? If so, for 180º is almost -10, does that mean that just below the AP the antenna has negative gain?




  • 2.  RE: Understanding antenna patterns
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 14, 2018 03:52 PM

    Antenna gain is typically expressied in dBi (gain relative to an isotropical radiator which emits energy equally in all directions in 3D).

    -10dBi means that the EIRP level in that direction is 10dB lower than with an isotropical radiator, and probably about 15dB lower than the level in the direction of maximum/peak gain.

    That implies that the range in that direction is reduced. 15dB signal reduction translates to roughly 6x range reduction using the (theoretical) open space pathloss model. Obviously that is typically not an issue when directly under the AP.

  • 3.  RE: Understanding antenna patterns

    Posted Dec 14, 2018 05:03 PM
    Hi Onno,

    So, the vertical axis is dBi.

    -10dBi means that the EIRP level in that direction is 10dB lower than with an isotropical radiator

    That's OK.

    and probably about 15dB lower than the level in the direction of maximum/peak gain

    Why do you say 15 dB lower than the maximum/peak gain? Why do you take the number of 15? In the specs I see this AP-315 has a maximum peak gain of 3.6 dBi in 2.4 GHz, so it would be 13.6 dB lower than the maximum/peak gain. Are you rounding the value?


  • 4.  RE: Understanding antenna patterns

    Posted Dec 14, 2018 06:47 PM

    Yes, I was rounding. Same for the -10dB

  • 5.  RE: Understanding antenna patterns

    Posted Dec 14, 2018 08:09 PM
    Ah ok, it makes sense!
