Once, the switch has been provisioned before but I would like to move the group and different networks.
Currently, it was a factory reset.
The result of "show activate provision" is activated.------------------------------
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 25, 2022 02:13 AM
From: Ariya Parsamanesh
Subject: Unprovisioned switch can't move to existing group on Central
what switch model is this? is it 5406R or 5412R?
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 25, 2022 01:21 AM
From: Ratchapas Shatsa-Nga
Subject: Unprovisioned switch can't move to existing group on Central
Hi Guys,
I need you to help on the Unprovisioned switch can't move to the existing group.
Error "Following devices cannot be moved to UI group and can be managed by template group only: "
What is the solution on the thread?
Thx :)