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Unsupported Transceiver

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  • 1.  Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 28, 2019 10:31 AM

    I have a lot of procurves and haruba swithes on my company (around 40 devices)
    And I used transceiver J4858C and J4858D without any trouble before.
    I've just bought 8 new ones J4858D, and I have trouble to use it.
    each time I plug it, I obtain message Unsupported Transceiver in the log.

    If i put the old ones C or D, it works fine.
    do you have any idea ?

  • 2.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 28, 2019 06:28 PM
    J4858C or J4858D are just product SKUs that are used by other vendors (nor Aruba neither HP/HPE) to promote their SFP Transceivers as "replacements" of genuine ones...so reporting new/old J4858C/J4858D SKUs means almost nothing if you also don't concurrently verify if they are all ORIGINAL made by HP/HPE/Aruba and not simply replacements made by other vendors (check visually and also through the output of the show tech transceivers command).

  • 3.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 01:48 AM

    Thanks for your answer.
    I've a bought those at the same company as usual for 8 years.
    It's original from HP/aruba devices, there are the HP Aruba sticker, packaging... visually it's full HP device.

    Transceiver Technical Information:
    Port # | Type | Prod # | Serial # | Part #
    9 | ?? | ?? | unsupported |

    This switch only supports revision B and above transceivers.
    Check: www.hp.com/rnd/device_help/2_inform for more info.


  • 4.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 02:36 AM
    Well...on what exact Switch SKU and Switch's OS Software version your original SFP Transceivers are experiencing issue?

  • 5.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 04:36 AM

    I tested on few switches...

    2530-8G (J9774A) : YA.15.16.0006

    2530-8G (J9777A) :  YA.15.12.0007

    2530-24G (J9776A) :  YA.15.10.0003

  • 6.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 08:20 AM
    Technically speaking original (genuine) J4858C and J4858D SFP Transceiver SKUs are both supported on any HP/HPE/Aruba 2530 Switch series's system software version (source: the ArubaOS-Switch and ArubaOS-CX Transceivers Guide): your ones look quite old but transceivers under test should be recognized flawlessly and they should work...a test you can do is to upgrade one Switch system software (let me say the one running YA.15.10.0003) to latest YA.16.09.0003 and see if J4858C/J4858D are finally recognized as we all expect (I'm sure latest software on Aruba 2540 supports older genuine J4858B...personally tested).

  • 7.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 10:58 AM

    I agree with you, the last devices C and D (bought 1 year ago) worked fine with those 3 switches, but the last 8 transceiver don't work on those switches (and with 2 other bought last week too with the 8 trasnceiver).

    I had to put those 2 switches in another bulding 2 days ago, so helpfully I had 1 C and 1 D worked fine with the new switches, just trying to understand the trouble with those 8 new transceivers D bought.

    I'll try to update like you say, but right now it works fine with the last C transceiver. (I've still a last one C found this morning)
    I'm really thinking about bad transceiver received with right sticker D, but inside with another transceiver (error during making ???)

  • 8.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 11:39 AM

    same trouble after the update firmware.
    I 'll send it back to my vendor. And will buy new one somewhere else.

  • 9.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Aug 29, 2019 12:46 PM
    Would be really interesting to see some shots of problematic transceivers...those genuine have a box sealed with HPE/Aruba stamp anti-countrfit and are labelled in a very recognizable way (HPE/Aruba graphics)...if you are used to genuine HP, HPE or Aruba...you see a fake one no matter how far it is from you.

  • 10.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Sep 02, 2019 02:18 AM

    You're right, all was OK stamp anti, sticker on the transceiver, for me all was real aruva/HP devices.
    I've contacted my vendor and sent it back to have new ones.  manufacturing error ?
    thanks for your help and answers. I'll keep you inform when I'll received the new ones.

  • 11.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Sep 02, 2019 10:58 AM


    just received new transceivers, not exactly the same design for the package. But running fine.
    with the new transceiver I used the link  www.hpe.com/producs/validate, and put one of the SID with failure, it's OK HP device.

    so definitely thinking about manufacture error.

  • 12.  RE: Unsupported Transceiver

    Posted Nov 22, 2023 12:07 PM

    Or a counterfeit transceiver trying to make you think it was an authentic Aruba transceiver. It happens more than you think -- and it really damages our reputation when something that say Aruba fails (and it isn't even ours !!!) 

    Your check using the Phone app from the Validate site was a good check.  I wonder what the result is with the 'faulty' units you had from before. 

    Thanks for being a HPE Networking/HPE Aruba customer. 

    Ed Kurata, Aruba Sr. Product Line Manager,
    Switching , Transceivers, Accessories, Power, and other things
    Roseville CA, USA