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Update IMC 5.1 to IMC 7 with new SQL Database on an other Server?

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  • 1.  Update IMC 5.1 to IMC 7 with new SQL Database on an other Server?

    Posted Mar 21, 2014 04:44 AM



    we use IMC 5.1 and we want to Upgrade it to IMC 7.


    Now the Database is real MS SQL (not express) on the IMC Server.


    We also want to shift the Database to a new extra Database Server. Is this possible? And perhaps how?






  • 2.  RE: Update IMC 5.1 to IMC 7 with new SQL Database on an other Server?

    Posted Apr 10, 2014 02:47 AM

    How can we shift the old IMC Database to a new SQL Server?

  • 3.  RE: Update IMC 5.1 to IMC 7 with new SQL Database on an other Server?

    Posted Apr 14, 2014 11:12 PM
    Yes, you can.
    1. back up the database,
    2. restore in the new SQL server
    3.isolate the database
    4.modify the IP address of database in configuration file