Network Management

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  • 1.  Upgrade airwave from 8.2.7 to 8.2.10

    Posted Feb 06, 2020 02:11 PM

    There are consideration for upgrading 8.2.6 to 8.2.10, and 8.2.8 and 8.2.9 to 8.2.10, however I dont' see anything in the installation guide for 8.2.7.


    I beleive 8.27 runs on centos 6.9, so should this take the same considerations as 8.2.8, or is there something different about 8.2.7 that it's not included in the installation guide?


    Thank you

  • 2.  RE: Upgrade airwave from 8.2.7 to 8.2.10
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 06, 2020 02:31 PM

    If you are upgrading from 8.2.7.x or before, we have to upgrade to 8.2.8.x/8.2.9.x  then to 8.2.10

  • 3.  RE: Upgrade airwave from 8.2.7 to 8.2.10
    Best Answer

    Posted Feb 06, 2020 04:36 PM

    Hi Dave,


    I did exact the same update yesterday at one of my customers.


    We had Airwave running on ESXi what is used in managed mode for the instant AP clusters. The update runs seemless!


    1. Create a VMware snapshot

    2. Create a Backup from Airwave and save it in a save place

    3. Upgrade to 

    4. Create a VMware snapshot

    5. Create a Backup from Airwave and save it in a save place

    6. Upgrade to (it wil still use CentOS6 without issues)

    7. Create a Backup from Airwave

    8. Write down IP settings, dns, gw, etc. i did a export of the certificates and licences keys aswell but wasnt needed afterwards.

    8. Turn the server off

    9. Do a clean install from OVA template with same IP settings. By re-installing CentOS7 will be installed (our only option).

    10. Put your backup back

    11. Reboot sytem after completion

    12. Your on CentOS7 and Airwave, well done!

    13. Remove your old server after some days.


    All managed devices keep working, licence and certificate where part of the backup restore, so dont need do to that manualy.


    Onething! Every version have some "difference" in de update process, the awsftp account, the use of SCP, the /user folder is changed in to some different path /var/ampcli/user. Prepare your self with some SFTP and SCP client/server tools, you will need them ;).


    Hopefully this information is usefull for you (and others) and make your upgrade process seemless to!


  • 4.  RE: Upgrade airwave from 8.2.7 to 8.2.10

    Posted Mar 25, 2020 12:29 PM

    Thank you for this detailed description. Very helpfull.

    Question: how did you export the certificates?

  • 5.  RE: Upgrade airwave from 8.2.7 to 8.2.10

    Posted Mar 25, 2020 12:45 PM

    No need for it, its included in the backup.

  • 6.  RE: Upgrade airwave from 8.2.7 to 8.2.10

    Posted Mar 25, 2020 12:54 PM

    One extra tip when you have issues to setup an SCP/SFTP server.


    Quick install a turnkey linux fileserver based on an .ova vmware template in the same vlan as your airwave server.

    Installation time 3 minutes. Therefore no need to tweak down a scp/sftp server on a windows system which need to change the windows firewall, etc.


    Off course thereare more ways to Rome, but this is my fastest approach .