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Hello, I have a customer with FlexFabric switch 5700-40XG-2QSFP + JG896A firmware version r2311p06 I would like to update them to version R2432P06 can I make a single jump to the new version or are there intermediate steps required?Thank you very much
If IRF is configured the update is disruptive. There are hot fixes to P06 - consider installing H07 after updating using the boot-loader method to the switches and rebooting the domain.
yes I have 4 chassis in irf.
Are there any problems to do this in irf?
I want reboot all switch in the same moment, I don't applicate issu method.
Use the "boot-loader file flash:" to install the r2432p06 ipe on each slot and reboot the domain.
The release notes wrote : "Use the boot-loader command or the BootRom menu to upgrade the software from 23XX to24XX, rather than using the issu command."
You don't necessarily have to IPE on each member. If you do the boot-loader command on the master, you can tell it to install on all slots. You would then only unpack the IPE once.
Just make sure that there is enough flash space on each member before you use the boot-loader command.