Yes. You need to do Fresh install of 8.2.10 CentOS7, restore the backup for current 8.2.10 CentOS6 appliance. upgrade to with the intermediate upgrade versions. Please check the Release notes for 8.2.11, 8.2.13 and
Post that, you need to do a Fresh install of 8.3 RHEL8 version and restore the backup from version.
Make sure to always take backups after every upgrade as a precautionary measure.
Please work with TAC for details steps and guidance for the upgrade process.
P.S. There is no OS upgrade for major versions like CentOS7, RHEL8. so, we need to fresh install of AirWave which will install the underlying OS.
Gowri Amujuri
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 19, 2023 04:07 AM
From: alexs-nd
Subject: Upgrading Airwave 8.2.10 / Centos6
Need to upgrade an Airewave 8.2.10 appliance still running over centos 6. To get onto the centos7 release is it just a case of reinstalling 8.2.10 and it'll do the underlying os upgrade for you, then you can go through the releases to get to 8.2.15 / or 8.3 ?