I'm trying to differentiate MacBooks with user certificates vs. MacBooks with machine based certificates. We would like the MacBooks with user certificates to be on a 'Enterprise Lite' role. and want MacBooks with machine based certificates to have full authenticated role. We would like use MAC addresses of the MacBooks with machine based certificates to put them in the authenticated role. I'm open to other suggestions to achieve this.
I tried to use user derivation rules to achieve this. See below.
aaa server-group "Mac_Test-svrgrp"
auth-server NPS Server
aaa profile "Mac_Test-aaa_prof"
authentication-dot1x "Mac_Test-dot1x_prof"
dot1x-default-role "authenticated"
dot1x-server-group "Mac_Test-svrgrp"
user-derivation-rules "Guesterprise"
aaa derivation-rules user Guesterprise
set role condition dhcp-option equals "370103060F77FC" set-value Enterprise Lite description "Ipad-DHCP"
set role condition dhcp-option equals "370103060f775ffc2c2e" set-value Enterprise Lite description "MacBook-DHCP"
set role condition macaddr equals "20:20:20:20:20:20" set-value authenticated
The dhcp-option equals "370103060f775ffc2c2e" seems to supercede the macaddr equals "20:20:20:20:20:20" role condition. I have even moved macaddr equals "20:20:20:20:20:20" to the top and it made no difference.
Any ideas or suggestions to remedy this?