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using jQuery (focus text) in header HTML (WEB-LOGIN FORM)

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  • 1.  using jQuery (focus text) in header HTML (WEB-LOGIN FORM)

    Posted Oct 06, 2017 01:24 PM

    Hello Gurus

    I´m using a weblogin with access-code (just validate username) I realize that CPPM guest manager support Jquery so I'm trying to use a JQuery code that makes when a textbox lose focus will validate that the content of this element is a correct  (username). This JQuery works as expected in an environment diferent than ClearPass but in CPPM doesnt works.


    The code I am using is as follows:




                                   PatronRut: function () {

                                                   // Funciona **works**





                                   RutValido: function () {

                                                   // Funciona **works**




    // No funciona ***not working**

                    $('#username').focusout(function() {

                                   var error = $('#usernError');

                                   var usernametxtbx = $(this);

                                   var texto = usernametxtbx.val();


                                   if(texto.length > 0 && usernametxtbx.PatronRut() && usernametxtbx.RutValido())





                                                   error.text('Rut invalido!');








    maybe you can give some TIps.


    Thanks you a lot.