Did you know ArubaOS-Switch supports SCP? Using an external SCP client, config files and firmware can be copied to and from the switch.
Here's how it works:
To begin you'll need an external SCP client, for this example I used pscp, which is a putty-based windows client. As pscp is windows-based, it needs to be run from the windows command line. First, you will need to enable the following commands on the switch:
Switch(config)# ip ssh
Switch(config)# ip ssh filetransfer
After enabling the previous commands, you are then able to copy config files from the switch like so:
c:\pscp>pscp admin@ <directory to copy files>
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
admin@'s password:
testcfg.cfg | 1 kB | 1.6 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
You can copy files to the switch (default-config, startup-config, running-config only):
c:\pscp>pscp -scp <file to copy in pscp directory> admin@
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
admin@'s password:
testcfg2.cfg | 1 kB | 1.6 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%
Finally, you can update the firmware on the switch:
c:\pscp>pscp -scp KB_16_07_0002.swi admin@
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
admin@'s password:
KB_16_07_0002.swi | 32969 kB | 578.4 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%